Chapter 11: Cranks

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"Hey, do you w-" I started, but was cut off by yelling.



I looked over at Newt who looked to be worried.

I shoved everything in my back pack quickly and stood up.

As I was about to grab Newts hand, high pitched screams and yelps rang through the entire building. Echoing, ringing, making my ears tingle.
(Yes. You and Newt love holding hands.)

Thomas and Minho came running towards us.


Teresa, Winston and Frypan came running after us, and we all started sprinting, trying to find a way out.

I looked behind me, and about 13 of those things were chasing us. Their flesh ripped, torn, hanging from their bodies. Dark red blood, black even, seeping from every open vessel in their body. The thought of them made my stomach lurch forward.

"DOWN THIS HALLWAY!" Aris shouted, and we all obliged.

Sure enough at the end of the hall way, was a door.

That was locked.

"Well shit." Newt said, rubbing his hands on his face.

Frypan lunged at the door at once, banging his shoulder into the door, trying to pry it open.


Cranks started running down the hallway, and the door still wouldn't budge.

"I got this." Winston said, and Thomas threw a gun at him.

Winston started shooting them down, one by one, but there were still to many, and not enough bullets.

Frypan wasn't even moving the door, so I pushed him aside.

"Let me do this." I said.

I swung my body around, colliding my leg into the door.

It swung open.

I looked over at him and smiled.

"I loosened it for you." Frypan shook his head.

"That's my girl." Newt whispered, but I could still hear him.

"We need to go NOW." Thomas, ran through the door, and when we all got out, he pushed himself against the door, along with the others, trying to hold them.

But somehow, they were stronger, and grabbed Winston.

Winstons body started to get torn with the claw like fingers of the cranks.

They ripped his stomach, bloop oozing from his wounds, turning his shirt a deep red.

"WINSTON!" I screamed, grabbing ahold of the boys arms. Teresa and Frypan helped me, and we pulled the boy free. Winston's screams made my heart ache for him.

Newt and Frypan grabbed Winston by the arms, and started trying to run down the corridor. Aris and Teresa followed behind.

I looked over at Thomas, and he had been staring at me the whole time.

This look was on his face. His eyes were glossy almost. He looked upset. Sad. Worried.


Thomas POV

I stared at Y/N, as she tried to help Winston.

What if she dies.

I am worried. SO worried.

She turned her head, her beautiful eyes staring into mine.

She studied my face.

I didn't want to lose her.

I was tempted to grab the girls hand, but god knows now what Newt would do to me.

I can't.

But I did anyway.

Newt was up ahead, trying to beat everyone.

Everything was muffled at that moment, as Y/N and I sat against the door.

Cranks pounding it, screams and bellows.

They were all muffled. Yet still loud enough to hear them.

I entwined my fingers with Y/N's.


I can't help it.

She looked startled, worried, afraid of what I was doing.

I wasn't going to kiss her, i was just going to run with her. Keep her by my side so she gets the protection.

Y/N might be tough, tougher than anyone I've met; emotionally and physically.

But I still wanted to be there. These cranks were dangerous.

Look what they did to Winston; I'm pretty sure he's dead.

I can't have that happen to Y/N.



Thomas grabbed my hand entwining out fingers, and just stared at me.

"Thomas? THOMAS?" I snapped my fingers.

It's almost as if realization kick started back into him because he started to talk and a look of recognition washed over him.

"Y/N. We are going to run. The cranks are going to run after us. Listen to what I say."

I nodded and his mouth was just above my ear.

"Don't. Let. Go."

I gulped, nodding as his hot breath tickled my ear.


"Now!" Thomas screamed, and he pulled me up with him.

The door burst open, cranks spilling out of it, chasing us.

Thomas and I ran, hand in hand, the other gladers still up ahead.

They stopped what looked to be a drop down and before anyone could see us holding hands, I did exactly what Thomas said not to do.

I let go.


I laid up against Newt chest that night, as we hid under this rock. Thomas was laying with his back facing me. Almost as if ignoring me.

Winston was moaning and whimpering. His stomach had been hurt badly.

Teresa laid next to Thomas, while Frypan was next to Newt. Aria sat next to Winston, looking down at his mangled body.

I started thinking all that has happened so far.

We were 'rescued'.
Thomas and I kissed.
Newt beat up his best friend.
Aris came into the picture.
It was always wicked.
We escaped.
Thomas and I shared a moment.
Now we are here.

There is  no bit of happiness that can be found here, in this chapter of our lives.

We could joke in the maze, play games. We had parties,  actual fun.

And I miss it.

I'd rather go back there then be here; In this mess.

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