Chapter 17: Between Two

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I woke up wrapped in someone's arms.

Immediately I thought it was Newt, but then I looked up and thought again.

Thomas' mouth was agape, his chest, (which I was laying on) was rising up and down with each breath.

I think this was the first time I ever really took in Thomas' appearance.

Soft brown hair, down across his forehead. Soft brown eyes, even though I couldn't see them at the moment I knew they were so beautiful. His sharp face speckled with freckles and moles in the most adorable placement. He had such long, thick eyelashes that touched his face since his eye's were closed. Thomas also had a very adorable acute nose, which I wanted to poke so badly.

Was I starting to like Thomas?

No. I can't. I'm in love with Newt. And Thomas is in love with Teresa. He is..right?

I felt Thomas stir around and as I looked up at him his eyes fluttered open, and those chocolate ones met mine.

"Hello." He smiles softly.

He has an amazing smile.

"Hi Thomas." Suddenly before I could stop myself, I hugged him, placing my arms around his torso.

Thomas sucked in a breath- hesitating. Then he hugged back.  We stayed their for a few moments, before realising we were no longer in that building we were before.

I pushed away from Thomas abruptly, standing up.

"Where's Newt? Minho? Where are we?"

Thomas stood up as well, looking around. Straight ahead of us was a tunnel. "I think this is what Brenda was talking about.." He whispered.


Thomas turned around, facing me. "I had a chance to talk to Brenda. The said something about there being these tunnels underground. Look's like the explosion made us fall into one. We should follow it down."

I placed my hands on my hips. "How are we going to see? We don't have a flash light."

Thomas thought a moment, before looking around at the mess. Some stuff like chairs ended up falling through. "Maybe there happens to be a flashlight?"

I nodded before looking around at the pile of junk.

Paper, rocks, clothes, plastic tubes, more rocks. Wait, plastic tubes? I walked over to a pile of rocks and picked up a yellow plastic tube.

"Thomas! I found one!" I turned around and he ran over smiling.

"Awesome. Let's head down that way." He grabbed the light and turned it on.



Thomas POV

We kissed. I slept with her....Not in that way you dirty minded shank.

I saved her.

Watching her in my arms made me feel some sort of way. I knew I had fallen for her; even though she hasn't fallen for me, but she looked so beautiful. Her soft H/C hair, with her smooth S/C skin. I have never been so attracted to someone before. Never been so in love.

It's cheesy to say the least; but she doesn't love me. She love's Newt. And hell, my best friend sure is lucky.




Newt POV

As soon as I slid down the zip line, Y/N and Thomas ran the other way.


What if she loves Thomas.

What if she doesn't love me anymore.

What if she ran off to get away from me to be with him.

Tommy wouldn't do anything to her..right? He's my best friend.

Minho tried calming my nerves while we were walking down some street with rubbish everywhere.

"Oh stop thinking what if's Newt." "Thomas wont do anything." "Y/N loves you to much."

I would just respond with,

"But still." "Well he did already once." "What if she doesn't?"

Lately I feel as if we have been falling apart. We don't 'have' what we had in the maze anymore. We kinda just spill out 'I love you's' or hold hands. We kiss, but I feel like it doesn't have passion anymore.

I have been getting headaches the pats few days- and I don't know why. My head pounds, I have nightmares when I'm sleeping, I'm starting to feel more angry.

What's happening?

Is it something to do with the fact Y/N and I are having a 'falling out'? Or is it something worse...?





Relationship problems?

or worse.... ;)

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