Chapter 24: Search

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Newt POV

"Left E wing, subject A5, error code 777."

An automated voice rang through the speakers, along with a loud, intense, alarm. I slid into the wall as I turned the corner, catching my balance but barely. How the bloody hell am I supposed to get out of here?

How am I going to get back to Y/N? To my friends? I don't even know where I am. Thoughts races around my head as my legs just kept moving forward.
I didn't even know where I was running to anymore, just getting away from the guards at this point.

I took a moment to stop and breath, slowing down my pace, ending up in front of a door labeled classified. Deciding it would be a good place to hide, I opened it, and made sure to lock it, as well as place a chair underneath the handle.

I looked at my surroundings, seeing rows of filling cabinets. Curiosity took over me as I randomly opened one, pulling out a file.

Inside was a photo of a random person.

"B27..." I mumbled to myself, staring at the content. Inside was all the information about them. Scanning over the words I realized these were files of all the test subjects- would my file be in here?

I searched for the cabinet that held the A's, as it appeared they were sorted by the subject code numbers. Peering around the room, my eyes landed on the cabinet that seemed to be the first of them all. As I was reaching towards the metal container the handle door jerked up and down aggressively, someone trying to get in.

"Get out of there!" A man screamed, banging against the door.

The loud thumping caused my adrenaline to spike and I hurried up my search, opening the cabinet, letting my fingers glide quickly across the top of the files; finally landing on top of A5.

I pulled it out, flipped it open, and almost dropped it once reading the information inside.

There was a final bang and door swung open, smashing the wall behind it with force, flinging the chair across the room. Three guards barged in with blasters, and I held my hands up- but they shot anyway. As I fell to the ground in pain, blue sparks flying around my limbs, all I could think about was the words on the file.


After the others were taken, the remaining members of the right arm and glaciers figured out a game plan on how to track down wicked's berg and transportation systems.

I felt weak. Hopeless. It's been three day's since Newt and the others were taken, and who knew how many more day's it would be.

"So, before this whole escapade occurred, we figured out what wicked was going to do with the immunes." Vince said, laying down a map. "This is where the last city is located." He pointed.

I stood up from my chair and slowly walked over the table, trying to maintain my balance, but the lack of food and water I've consumed got to me and I toppled forward.

"Y/N-" Thomas ran over to me, grabbing my arm. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." I muttered, pushing myself back up, pulling my arm away from him. Thomas looked at me with sad eyes as I walked away from him.

Minho snuck his arm around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly. "Here, please drink, stop being a stupid shuck face." He handed me a canteen. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously Y/N. You're going to need your strength back up, do it for Newt." He pushed the canteen up to my lips, and I hesitated a moment before grabbing hold of it and letting the water run down my throat.

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