Chapter 19: Close to Death

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Guys I finally had the courage to tell one of my parents that I wrote stories.

So I've always been nervous that my parents wouldn't allow me to write and put books online, so I never told them. I really never told anyone accept close friends.

But my mom came into my room and asked what I was doing and sat with me so really I didn't know what to do so I said 'oh ya know just listening to music and writing.' so she asked what I was writing and I showed her my books.

She was like "Wow your kidding 152,000 reads?!" (on my first Newt book). and I was like "Yea surprisingly apparently people like what I write."

And I showed my mom my others and she said she as proud of me and that it was amazing what I did and it made me happy cause she didn't care I wrote stories and put them online she was just happy that I was happy and that I write and love it.

I love my mom.


Thomas POV

I lead Y/N out, pulling her by my side as we ran. Three cranks were chasing us, and by the looks of it they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

Y/N breathed heavily, exhausted, but we had to keep running.

"Thomas- I can't-t." She mumbled, suddenly tugging her wrist from my arm.

"We can't stop Y/N!" I said thinking of what to do. That's when I quickly went in front of her, scooping her onto my back and running.

The cranks screamed from behind me and at that point I had almost lost hope at there being an exit around here.

Until right up ahead there was light.

"Thomas I can run again." Y/N said softly, and I put her down.

We continued running to the light, until a crank appeared right in front of us.

Y/N grabbed what appeared to be a piece of metal on the ground, and hit the crank in the head. It fell to the floor screeching.

"Lets go." She said, now pulling me.

We made it outside, and I noticed we were inside this huge broken building that was tilted. I noticed a flight of stairs and pointed it out to Y/N. We ran up them, but the cranks seemed to find a better strategy...climb. One of them grabbed my ankle, and Y/N kicked it off making the thing fall.

Then there were two.

We ran up some more only to then find that there was only one of the monsters. I quickly pushed it and it fell down, meeting the same fate as its little friend.

"Whew, that was close-" I started but Y/N screamed as a crank jumped out of nowhere, pushing her and itself. They both fell and Y/N fell onto a bunch of windows. When she looked down, she saw the huge drop and started freaking out. The glass beneath her cracked, and the crank started clawing its way to Y/N.

"Y/N!" I screamed, sliding down and making my way to her. Y/N stood up, the glass cracking with every step, when suddenly the crank pounced on her once again. Y/N kicked its head flinging it backwards, and then I had a brilliant idea.

"I'm going to crack the glass!" I told her, picking up a rock.

"Are you serious?!" She screamed, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yes! Grab my hand." She skeptically put her hand to mine and I entwined our fingers.

The crank was just about to attack again when I smashed the glass. It fell to its death, but I held onto Y/N as her legs dangled.

As I was about to pull her up, I slipped and we both fell screaming.

At least if I was going to die it was with her.



I woke up, my body aching. I noticed I was laying in a bunch of hay, and when I turned my head I saw Thomas laying there to.

"Thomas?" But there was no response.

"Thomas?" I said a bit louder, crawling over to him. Was...was he dead?

I checked his pulse....but there was no pulse.

"Thomas!" I screamed. Tear started forming in my eyes.

"Ok ok. Just breath Y/N you know CPR." I started shaking. The only thing to worry about is that I don't know how long we were out for. He could be gone- but it's worth a shot.

I placed my hands on his chest, pushing.

"Thirty second beat." I whispered to myself, and started mumbling row row row your boat, while my salty tears made their way onto my lips.

I tilted Thomas' head back, and then placed my lips on his, blowing air into his lungs.

I repeated.


A minute later, and he still didn't breath.

"Come on Thomas. Come on Tommy." I started mumbling.

I exhaled into him once again, then pushing more.

"Come on Tom! I need you!" I started hiccuping.


I placed my head onto his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. My arms were wrapped around his torso, and I just lied there feeling hopeless.

"Oh Thomas." I took a sharp breath. "I l-l-lov-" I started but didn't continue because Newt's image ran through my mind.

I was absorbed into my own crying to even realize the chest beneath me was rising up and down, and two arms wrapped themselves around me.

I looked up to see Thomas' eyes open, and see him coughing.

"THOMAS!" I screamed, crying even more and I placed my forehead on his.

His lips curled into a smile, before he ever so softly placed his lips onto mine.

I gave in.

"Y/N." He whispered. "You saved me."

I smiled a soft teary smile, my hands on his cheeks. "Barely."

With that, Thomas flipped me around so I was under him. He kissed my lips hard and passionately. My hands raked through his hair, and then his kisses started to go down along my jaw, onto my neck, and he softly tugged at my shirt exposing my collarbone to kiss.

His hands made their way to my sides, rubbing up my shirt, across my stomach.

Before this could go any longer I broke apart from him.

"We can't do this Thomas."

Before I wasn't going to let myself sink with him. But now I think I'm already in to deep.

I have to break up with Newt.

Before Thomas, Newt and myself get to hurt.



Honestly I am the worst author ever, I am super duper sorry.

-Hailey xx

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