These r annoying af

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Idrk why I decided to put a random photo of Baekhyun above but I did.


Ok so basically....

The third book won't be able to be up until TDC comes out.

And TDC release date was delayed.

To 2018.

So basically...the book won't be out until then.

What I plan on doing, is I'm going to try and keep writing this book until then if that makes sense.

I don't know I just don't wanna wait two years :((

I hope you guys understand. It really sucks.

On a happy note tho, I was really bored and I published a new book called 'fandom texts' xD

It includes:


You guys can check it out if you'd like! :P

I'm still on my holiday and won't be back home till August 30th, and then school starts :((

Hopefully I'll upload a chapter this month!

Love you dudes,

Hailey xx

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