Chapter 15: Upside Down

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Ok guys uh if you don't wanna read this A/N then just skip ahead..its just kinda about how I feel upset right now and I need someone to talk about it to do yea. Feel free to move along ahead so I don't bore you. Yet if your still reading and ur gonna leave I don't understand why ur still reading. OK ANYWAY. So me and my fam were watching a movie about like relationships and stuff and it made me really was kinda like how a family works together, how people don't always work out, true love...there was one couple and they were married for 40 years....and the woman wanted a divorce. It broke me. I hate divorce. Hate it. I never see my mom. And I'm sorry guys, I haven't updated this week. I'm with my mom atm and it's the only real time I feel like I can be me. Heck,  I've been wearing the same pair of sweatpants for the past 5 days. I live with my dad. And I have a brother that lives with me to. I am constantly the only girl. Most likely the reason o get along with guys better. But still I am a girl and my mom actually U N D E R S T A N D S ME. I need to cherish the time with my mom. I love her so much. So much. And mom, even though you don't read my books because that would be weird, I love you more then anyone in the whole world. I'm sorry if I haven't updated and I'm sorry to the ones who are pissed off but you have to deal with it. I don't have a whole complete family and the part I want to be with most isn't with me so I'd rather spend time with them.

I'm sorry.


"Bloody hell push man."

"Nice job guys were stuck here now."

"Push harder!"

I woke up hearing voices and sounds of restraint. Slowly I opened my eyes, seeing figured swinging back and fourth.

What the....

"Y/N!" Someone called out.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open and I was hanging upside down.

"OHHMY GOD." I freaked out, struggling. That's when I looked down.

We were hanging feet above a gaping hole into the ground that leads hell knows where.

"What's happening?" I asked swinging around.

"They tied us up." Thomas said, attempting to swing anywhere.

"NO SHIT MAN." Minho said yelled annoyed, swinging as well.

"Will eveybody stay calm? I can get us out of this situation." Teresa said.

"Well well... Looks like your a bit tied up wouldn't ya say?"


"Thanks for the tip ace." I rolled my eyes.

Jorge suddenly put his hand on a leaver, pulling, making our ropes longer into the gaping hole beneath us.

Everyone let out yelps.

"Tell me- why are you here? Why do you belong to wicked." Jorge crossed his legs, but kept a grip on the leaver.

"We told you man- to find the right arm." Frypan said.

He pulled it down more.

"Do you work fo-"
"What's going on?"

We all turned our heads looking a bald guy.

He had a gross smile.

" (insert name I forget but ya know the creepy bald dude..yeh). Just talking to our....guests. Let's go discuss this somewhere else?"

The two men left, leaving us struggling.

"Teresa..what was your plan?" I asked.

"One of the boys can push you to the bar over there, then flip yourself around, untie yourself, then us." She said.

"Great plan T'!"

"Newt can you give me a boost?"

"Of course love."

I started flinging myself back and fourth until I felt a strong grip on my waist and I looked back at my boyfriend. I smiled softly and he started counting.

"Ok ready? One...two..."

Newt's strong arms pushed and I swung forward, reaching for the bar.

"We're also gonna push Thomas ok?"

"Yep!" My fingers slipped, and I was pulled backwards by the rope. "I need to be pushed again!"

Newt's hands found my waist once again and he pushed me, this time my hands colliding with the metal.

I twisted my body around and then pulled the lever to swing myself into the ledge.

Thomas also made it so we were about to untie everyone, until I slipped; falling backwards into the hole.

"AHK!" I screamed as I fell backwards.

I screamed, not waiting to feel what was below; but then two hands grabbed my own.


I looked up, out of breath from the scare. Tears leaked from my eyes due to fear.

"Ohmygod you save me Thomas."

He pulled me up and I embraced him.

"Thank you."

He hugged back, but for a bit longer than I wanted.

Newt ran over, hugging me as well putting his hands on my head and pulling me into his chest.

"Thank you Tommy." Newt whispered.

"Of course Newt."

At that moment, I knew they were friends again.

"We have to go now."

"Not so fast." A voice snarled. It was that bald guy from before.

The man cocked a gun, pointing it towards Thomas. He also pulled out a walk e talk e (i don't freakin know how to spell it).

"Janson, I found the prisoners." He said.

He worked for wicked.

"Look man, just let us leave." Frypan said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"No- you better come with me." He walked towards us.

Suddenly I did a daring move. I ran, slid, and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

Baldy doubled over in pain and everyone behind me snickered.

I swear I could here someone whisper sweet.

Suddenly, his face looked like it just turned fifty shades of red, as he stood up pointing the gun at me. His finger on the trigger, slightly pulling it back.

"Your gonna get it NOW GIRL." His voice filled with anger, and as I if I could hear his finger start to pull back the spring- a gunshot was heard. Baldy fell to the ground.

Behind him stood Brenda.

"You came back."

I hope this makes up for my time gone....I'm sorry. Again.

I know this chapter sucks.

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