Chapter 18: Tunnels

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Thomas and I started walking towards the tunnels that we woke up in. It was dusty, and my head aches from falling. I can't imagine what Thomas was feeling- I fell on him and he took the full impact.

"It's really dusty down here...and there's graffiti all over the walls- do you think people live here?" I asked quietly.

Thomas was behind me, his hand pushing the small of my back lightly. Before he could answer, there was a screeching noise.

"I don't think it's people that live down here." He breathed, now walking next to me.

"How are we gonna get out?" I flashed the flashlight around all corners, anywhere I could.

"I'm not sure. Brenda mentioned something about these tunnels. Said there was a few ways out, not sure which way they are."

There was another scream and I stopped mid tracks. I turned around flashing my light, but nothing was there. I turned back around expecting to see a boy, but he was replaced by emptiness.

"Thomas! Thomas?"

I can't be alone, not here, not with those things.

Where's Newt when I need him?
I hope he's ok. I hope he's safe.

He probably thinks I'm dead- but in reality I kinda am inside.

It was quiet, until I heard a voice.

And it was not Thomas.

"Rose took my nose I suppose." It was barely a whisper

My breath hitched in my throat, and I placed my back towards the wall.

"Rose took my nose I suppose." It was louder.

Arms were suddenly pulling me towards someone's chest, it connecting with my back, and I screamed.

"Shh! Shhh!" It was Thomas.

He held his hand over my mouth, and all that could be heard were hard footsteps, and his hard breathing.

"Rose took my nose I suppose." It was right behind us now.

I turned around, hugging Thomas, face in his chest.

I've never been so weak. Ever.

Not with the death of my brother, hunter, nothing has torn me down.

Why now?

It's because my strength isn't here.

Newt isn't here.

A shadow was on the wall, and the voice got louder, until the monster making it was right next to us.

Our lights were off, and we were hidden by the least we thought we were.

A foul smell made its was to my nose, and the skin of the being was torn, bloodied. His nose was missing.

The crank walked past us, until stopping just in front.

"Rose." It's voice was quiet.

"Took." Louder.

"My." Louder.

"Nose." It almost screamed, and then looked at us. The crank screeched, and Thomas untwisted me from his protective embrace, and pushed my forward slightly, implying for me to run. We ran into the dark, until we were blocked with a wall.

"Now what?" I asked, turning on my flashlight.

There was a slight scratching sound, and Thomas and I both jumped.

He pointed his flashlight towards a sewer hole, expecting for it to be an unexpected visitor.

But it was just a rat.

"Gross." He whispered, kicking the brown thing.

It scurried away, and Thomas' flashlight followed the animal.

It was hypnotizing watching it run away, until within 3.4 seconds it was snatched. The arm belonging to the killer was barely covered in flesh. Bone, mold, dirt. A crackling noise sounded and I looked toward Thomas.

The next few seconds were so fast, but it was almost in slow motion.

From the roots that were on the walls, bodies crawled out. It was like a horror movie but in live action.

Arms outstretched, filthy nails clawing at the cement ground.

Heads twisted and turned. Saliva dripping.

I stared horrified.

And when one screeched, they all started charging.


I'm so so so so so so sOOO SORRY for not updating guys. I honestly forgot about wattpad, and schools busy, and I'm having social problems and there's just a lot going on. I'm sorry.

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