Chapter 20: Realization

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I was sick and tired of this stupid love triangle.

I have feelings for Thomas, but of course I have feelings for my boyfriend, Newt.

Obviously Newt is getting the idea that something is going on, I can see it in his eyes.

But now that I think about it...

Who is Thomas to come interrupt our relationship?

It's Thomas' fault.

He kisses me.
He hugs me.
He saves me.
He made me love him.

Suddenly I felt this rush of anger wash throughout my body. I can't break up with Newt, I have to stop this with Thomas. And if that means destroying our friendship...then that's what I got to do. I need to do it for Newt.

Thomas and I were currently walking throughout the town, wandering hopelessly.

Jorge mentioned the name of a man, saying he would know how to find the right arm.

The name was Marcus.

As I walked down the street, I felt someone grab my arm.

I pulled it back, turning around to face a...woman?

Bleached, blond, shaggy hair. Dark eyes, matched with cracked lips.

"Hellooo you two." She smiled, showing off her decaying teeth, looking between Thomas and I.

Next to her, stood a rather short, funky looking man. Odd clothing, dark eyes.

"We're looking for somebody named Marcus. Have you seen him?" Thomas asked nicely.

The man had a glint in his eye.
"I'm throwing a pretty rad party down below."

Once he said that, you noticed the faint booming sound of music.

"I think he went inside there."

"Oh well then we'll just get him-" I started to walk towards the entrance but the mans arm stopped me.

"There's a coast to entering sweetheart." He smiled mischievously.
Slowly, he raise his arm, swaying a green bottle with some kind of yellowish liquid inside of it in front of my face.

"Having a drink is your admission." The lady said, her hands roaming over Thomas' chest. He looked disgusted.

I looked at Thomas, and he quickly just grabbed the bottle, chugging a bit of the liquid. I did the same.

The man and woman laughed. "Have fun!" They shoved us inside.

Thomas and I walked down a dark hallway. Music booming, and as soon as we entered the room, it was like being slapped in the face.

Sweaty bodies everywhere, little clothing, but the worst part. Their eyes looked...dead.

Everybody there just swayed with the beat, as if in some kind of trance. As if they were in their own bliss.

"Maybe we should split-" I started talking, but suddenly my vision started to become blurred. Almost as if everything was in slow motion. Head spun, words didn't want to escape from my lips.

I peered up at Thomas. "Why don't we just have some fun?" His words slurred, as he grabbed my arms, pulling me slowly towards him.

We both swayed, and suddenly his hand was on my cheek.

"I love you." He whispered.

Before our lips touched I pushed him away, and due to his lack of consciousness, he fell backwards.

His leg tripped me, and I fell onto my knees. Suddenly I looked up, but Thomas was no longer Thomas.

"How could you!" The British boy screamed. "How can you love Thomas when you love me?"

"You liar!" His voice screamed from another direction. I snapped my head behind me, another version of him appearing. His face inches from mine. "I've been kissing my best friends lips all along."

"Don't you love me Y/N?" I turned my head again, but was greeted by a different version of my boyfriend. Black veins spread across his face and body, blood and saliva dripping from his gaping mouth.

I screamed, and then my vision went black.


Hey guys! Sorry it's a quick. Chapter. I'm currently in the airport waiting for my flight to Amsterdam! I'll be in holland all of August, so I most likely won't update because I'll be busy visiting family.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

I'm sorry that I disappoint you guys with the love triangle. I've been getting comments like that lately and that you dislike me. Well sorry. It's my story and it would be boring if it had no plot twists.
Sorry I'm such a disappointment.

See you guys soon!

-Hailey xx

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