Chapter 5: Thomas!?

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"How did-" Thomas started but finished, still stunned.

"See, no girl." Aris stated blankly.

"It litterly said Teresa." Frypan said.

"Like I said before, these people took me and placed me here." Aris said.

"Who?" I asked, curiosity inside me rising.

"These people with guns and things covering their faces. They took us in a helecopter. They reacued us."

"Us?" Thomas cocked an eyebrow.

"Where did they rescue you from?" Newt questioned.

"From the maze man. From the maze."

All the gladers looked at eachother wide eyed. I looked at Newt, and we were both shocked.

"How? We escaped from the maze?! Ive never seen your shuck face before in my life." Minho said grimly.

Aris furrowed his eyebrows. "Ive never seen you sticks before in my life."

Huh..I guess his maze must have made up their own language to.

"Wait...then if their were two mazes, where are all the rest of the guys?" Winston questioned.

"Guys? What? There were no guys. I was with a bunch of girls." He looked at us all like we were crazy.

"Did they call you a trigger?" Thomas asked suddenly.

Aris nodded and looked down.

"Its the opposite." I whispered.

"What?" Newt looked at me.

"Its the opposite." I said loudly, and everyone looked at me.


"Its the opposite! There were girls instead of guys. Aris, where there a total of three boys that were with you?"

He nodded.

"And was there a girl who was your best friend...but someone...shot her?"

His eyes widened. "How did you know?"

I looked over at Thomas. Thomas' fave dropped at the memory of Chuck.

"Chuck was Thomas'...little brother almost. He got shot just before we escaped.

Aris had a tear fall from his cheek. "Her name was Rachel...Beth...went crazy almost...killed her."

"Sounds like Beth is our Gally..." Minho frowned.

"Why do you think there were two mazes?" Someone asked.

"So the could have more shuck results for their stupid trials." Thomas said and stormed into our room.

I looked at him and then back at everyone. "Ill go talk to him." I ran off towards Thomas.

When I walked in the room, I softly closed the door. I saw Thomas sitting on the endge if the bed with his head in his hands.

"Hey..." I said softly. I sat next to him and was silent for a minute.

" dont need to worry. I bet Teresa is fine." I said and placed my hand on his softly.

Thomas looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy. "Its not just that." He whispered, and softly bit his lip.

"What else is wrong?" I asked.

"Everything! Chuck is gone, WCKD bad! Something is going on! I'm just so confused Y/N." His voice cracked when he said my name.

I looked down at my lap.
"Everything gets better over time Thomas."

He shook his head, pulling his hand away from mine. "There more thing thats bugging me." He looked up at me, and i scanned over his tear stained cheeks and sad eyes.

I nodded for my head fo continue.

"It hurts to see the girl i'm in love with, love my best friend."

Before I could respond, Thomas grabbed the sides of my face, fingers tangled in my hair, and kissed me.


I kissed back.





two chapters in one day :3

ps, i think im only gonna have two books... maybe? I kinda dont wanna write the death cure. Bc Newt....and like THATS DEPRESSING. But maybe kinda combine the scorch and the death cure? idk. Ill see how i feel at the end. It is only the beginning of the book. AND OMG HOLY MUFFINS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 800 READS!! ONGOGOMGI!

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