Chapter 3: Tattoos

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Everyone was silent. What did the bodies mean? As everyone was staring intently at the pale corpses, Thomas spoke.

"Where is she?!" Thomas said abruptly and then quickly ran to the other side of the room. He stopped at a door, and the other gladers quickly followed.

"Tommy? What are you doing?" Newt stopped running and hunched over from the sudden outburst.

"Teresa! She must have been moved here..." He said and pointed towards a metal plate attached to the side of the door. I peered down at it and saw imprinted on the plate, said 'Teresa Agnes, Group A Subject A1.' What does that mean? Group A? Subject? Betrayer?!?

As I bent down, I felt someone pull the back of my shirt down slightly. I snapped back up to see Newt.

"What are you doing?" I asked startled and pulled my shirt back up.

"There- there is something on your Neck." He said with furrowed eyebrows.

"What? What is it?!" I turned my head awkwardly, trying to look at it. All the gladers stopped to look at us.

"Let me check." Newt said. His soft hands reached to my neck, and i felt his thumb rub over my skin. "Its a tattoo..."

What? How in the name would i get a tattoo i didnt even know i got, or felt! "What does it say!" I freaked.

Thomas slowly walked over to me.  "Shh Y/N its ok. Let Newt read it." I shook my head in agreement.

"It says... Group A, subject A3, The Ambitious." Newt said softly.

"Whoa! Dude! You have one to!" Someone said. Mutters were heard all around, and all the Gladers were telling each other what their tattoos said.

Minho walked over to Newt. "Dude, whats mine say? I still don't get how i have a shuck tattoo when I didn't feel getting that thing."

Newt read it. " Group A, Subject A7 The Leader. Can someone check mine?"  I nodded and walked over to Newt, checking his tattoo.

"Group A subject A5, The glue."

"The glue? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" Newt shook his head. Thomas came over.

"Maybe to resemble how you always hold us together? Like glue." He said. Thomas then pulled his shirt down softly, revealing the tattoo. "Can you read it for me?"

"Group A, Subject A2...." I gasped at the last part.

"What?" Thomas, Newt and Minho said in unison.

I started stuttering, and felt my eyes wide. "It-t says k-killed by group B.."


AYE! I know this is SO SHORT, butttttttt, at least i updated? I actually wrote this at school and am still currently at school XD

Love you guys!

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