Chapter 23: Never Have I Ever

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"Back it up you guys." Harriet yelled, and a giant truck blocking an entrance backed up slowly.

Harriet led us to two cars, and all of us got in, heading to base camp.

When we finally arrived, there weren't very many people but there was enough  to make me feel overwhelmed. I clung to Newt.

We got introduced to new people, and Thomas ended up knowing one of the ladies who worked there.

It was early evening, and I saw on a log with Newt.

"Y/N?" He mumbled softly while playing with the ends of my hair.


"Do you ever think all this will end? And we'll get married someday? And have kids?"

I felt my stomach churn. Will we ever find the end to all this? Will everything go back to normal? Is there even a normal?

I placed my head on his shoulder, and grabbed his hand. "I sure hope so Newt."

I heard foot steps and I looked over and saw Frypan, Minho and Thomas all walking up to us.

"Hey guys." I said, looking only at Minho and Frypan.

"Hey- we were going to start a camp fire did you two want to come join us? Or were you shanks to busy making out?" Minho said and I rolled my eyes.

"We're joining." I mumbled, and we walked with them to the campfire some people were starting.

We all sat in a circle, the remaining glanders, plus Aris, Harriet, Sonya and a couple others. The only person missing was Teresa...where was she?

"Why don't we play never have I ever?" Aris suggested since most people were just having their own small conversations. Majority agreed, and I ended up nodding as well even if all I wanted to do right now was enjoy the peace and quiet- it's been rough the last few days.

"Never have I ever...been in a maze!" One of the camp members said and well majority of us ended up running and switching seats- Thomas ended up being in the middle.

"Never have I ever- beat up my best friend." Thomas growled, and his eyes met with Newts.

I felt my eyebrows furrow and I clenched my fists. Newt said he was sorry.

Newt stood up, and Thomas went to take his seat, when the boy's crossed each others paths Newt hit Thomas' shoulder.

"Never have I ever kissed somebody else's girlfriend." Newt said bluntly, causing everyone else to become dead quiet. All that could be heard was the crackling of the fire.

Thomas stood up, but instead of going to the middle, he walked away. I followed him with my eyes, and then looked back at Newt who looked back at me. His face was angry, but once his brown eyes met mine his face softened.

His shoulders lost the tension they had and he slowly made his way next to me.

Minho coughed. "Lets just not play anymore games."

"Good idea." I whispered.

It was now very awkward and quiet. So quiet I heard a strange noise.

"Do you hear that?" I asked looking at everyone now.

"What the sound of freakin awkwardness? Cause hell yea I do." Minho said.

I shoved him slightly. "No- it sounds like....."

"A helicopter." Everyone turned their heads and I noticed Thomas standing there, panting.

"What's happening?" Frypan asked, standing up.

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