Chapter 6: Payback?

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I pulled away from Thomas, and my eyes were wide.

I kissed Thomas. I kissed THOMAS. And he kissed ME! And he LOVES me.

" no." I stood up and started shaking my head, tears spilling from my eyes. I know I've kissed Thomas before..but that was when I wasn't with Newt.

"Y/N i-" Thomas walked towards me.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I pushed his chest, making him stumble backwards. His face showed shock. "GO! YOU KISSED ME! AND I KISSED BACK! I AM WITH NEWT!" I stumbled around and fell onto the bed. "I kissed back.." I whispered. "I kissed back."

"Y/N I didn't mean i'm sorry i..i don't know what i was thinking i'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Thomas whispered.

I heard a door open, and when I looked up I saw Newt. He saw me crying and he ran over to me. Newt gave looks to Thomas like 'what is going on' and then wrapped his arms around me. Newt pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh princess whats wrong." He asked rocking me softly.

I buried my face into his chest and sat there for a few moments. Then I pulled away, getting off of him and standing in front of him.

I can't cry.

I can't be weak.

I'm stronger than this. Plus, It didn't mean anything...Newt would understand..right?

I placed my arms stiffly to my sides, and balled my fists. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and then opened them, looking down into Newts brown eyes.

"Thomas...and I...kissed." I closed my eyes once again, trying to not let the tears fall.

Newt was silent. When I looked at  him, his head was down and he was shaking it. Then, Newt stood up and walked right up into Thomas' face.


Thomas looked down at his shoes. "I didn't mean to.."

Newt then flipped around and walked up to me. "And how could you?" His voice cracked. "Kiss him back?"

"It didn't mean anything Newt. I swear." My eyes snapped over to Thomas, and his eyes showed pain.

"Please don't be mad at her. I was the one who leaned in. I made the move. I was stupid. I..don't know what I was thinking." Thomas whispered.

Newt ran his finger over his bottom lip, something that would usually drive me crazy, but today, It made me upset. How could I have kissed Thomas back? I don't love him. He is my best friend....Newts best friend.

Newt did hurt me with Hunter....

Could this be payback?



XD woopies.

So how are you Muchachos? (probably spelt that wrong but AYE)

I am freaking out. Kids in my class want me to go to scream fest, but honestly things like that (horror or whatever) make me shit bricks. So idk...but i want to go because my crush wants to go with me....


Thank you guys for Voting, Commenting and just plain reading this! Every little thing you guys do makes me so happy! Thank you all so much <3


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