Chapter 10: Teddy bear

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Run. Thats all I could think of.

I need to escaping this hell hole. Wicked is up to something and its not good.

We ended up back at the doors we came into when we arrived here.

"Winston, use the key card for the door." Minho said. Winston swiped it through the machine, and the doors clicked, sending them upward, opening.

The sirens got louder, and we started sprinting out; towards the un known.

My feet ran on rough sand, wind blowing it into our faces. It was dark and all that could be seen was the lights from the building, and dark shadows of hills.

"Run up that way!" Thomas blared. I tripped over my feet, falling over. Shouts and screams were heard from behind us, making me nervous.

"Y/N!" Newt ran to me, pulling me up and running while our hands were grasped together.

"We need to run up that hill!" Someone screamed.

As soon as we reached the top, we all crouched down.

"Guys- slowly make your way down." Everyone started crawling down, and Teresa ran. I looked over and there were vehicles starting to descend. Lights were flashing everywhere and people screaming and shouting at each other.

I turned back, following everyone.

But Teresa kept running.

"Teresa! Teresa!" I screamed. She ran to some object, which looked to be some opening.

Everyone ran inside of what appeared to be a building.

"Is everyone ok?" Newt asked.

"Yea. We need to find a way out. Search around see if you can-"

"Thomas!" Teresa cut Thomas off.

"What?" He asked, softly tilting his head.

"What is going on!?"

Minho looked at Thomas as well as everyone else.

"Wicked.. They are up to something. They had you up in this tube, along with other people. They were planning to send us to another trial."

Teresa had a straight face the whole time. "Oh."

For some reason I feel like Teresa is hiding something. I'm not sure why.

"We'll split up." Minho said. "Thomas, lets go this way."

He nodded, following Minho, while I went with Newt and Teresa went with Frypan, Winston and Aris.

Newt grabbed my hand. "Don't let go." I nodded.

Newt and I walked around until we found a.. room?
Beds and clothes were scattered everywhere along with blankets. I picked up a flashlight and flashed it on everything.
"It looks like people were living here."

Thomas POV

Newt went off with Y/N..typical.
I shouldn't really be mad. He got her first. And, I don't want to lose my friendship with her. That kiss in the maze, I felt something. But I guess she didn't.

"Thomas, snap out of it." Minho slapped my back.

I shook my head.

"Dude you need to get your mind off of Y/N. Obviously you need another girl. But not Teresa that girl is a dumb shank."

I coughed. I found Teresa..different and sometimes hard to trust her but not dumb.

"I can barely see a shuck thing. This flashlight sucks." Minho growled and stumbled around.

I started walking forward, and the saw something in a chair.

"Hey mango look at this."

Minho came walking up to me, slapping the back of my head.
"Shut up you ugly shuck face."

We walked closer to the object and then I noticed it was a person with a bag around their head.

"The hell?" I whispered. Minho walked towards a lamp that was next to the chair, and turned the knob a few times.

"They had power..." Minho said. "I'm gonna see if I can find a power box."

I nodded.

We walked around this room until there was this 'cage' with teddy bears surrounding the outside.

Minho stopped at a box with wires.

"This looks promising."

Wait maybe it isn't a good idea if he flicks on the switch what if there's people? Or WCKD sees?

"Minho wait!"

To late.

The switch was flicked, and slowly the lights turned on.

"Dude what-" I started but got cut of.

"BEHIND YOU!" Minho screamed and I turned around. Something flung itself to the front of the wire fence cage. It growled and screamed. It looked as if it was once a little girl.

It was a crank.

Eyes missing, blood dripping from the gaping infected holes in its face.

Splotches of hair scattered across its head, and a bloodied dress draped from its infected frame.

"Oh my god."

Then there were screams.

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