Chapter 14: Jorge

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"Wait, you know her?" Frypan asked raising an eyebrow.

I looked at everyone behind me, and stood up.

"I-I think so."

"Wait Y/N?" She said and I turned facing the short haired girl.

I took in her facial features.

It is Brenda. I ran over to her, hugging her.

"Wait what is going on?" Thomas asked.

I felt my voice crack. "I missed you so much."

"How do you remember me?" She whispered. "I haven't seen you in years."

I pulled away, looking into her brown eyes. "Some people you just never forget." I smiled softly.

"Ok. Please explain." Newt asked, gesturing to Brenda and I.

"Well. Brenda was like my sister before..everything." I looked at her smiling.

"I better take you guys to Jorge."  Brenda lead us out into some kind of building. Groups of men in hammocks, or sitting on benches were surrounding the place.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas asked. He moved up in front right by Brenda.

She took a deep breath. "Our founder you can say. Runner of the place."

The men that were sitting in hammocks before were crowding us.

"Um.." I started.

"There hasn't been many visitors. They're just curious." Brenda said.

I took Newt's hand (god you have a hand fetish), and we made our way up flights of stairs. We entered a dim lighted room, with dusty windows and junk everywhere.

A man silhouette stood by a desk, leaning over mumbling to himself. All of the gladers were huddled together as the men surrounded us.

"Three questions." He said suddenly, turning around. He took a step forward into the light. He had dark skin, greyish peppered hair, and a thin goatee around his mouth.

"Who are you, where did you come from, how can I help?" The man- Jorge said, while picking up a jug of water.

Water. That's what I could use right now.

As if he knew we were all wanting to quench our thirst, he drank it right in front of us.


"My name's Thomas. These are my friends."

"Why are you here?" He asked, taking another swig of the clear liquid.

"Were looking for the right arm." Minho said, folding his arms.

Jorge burst out into a deep chuckle, but suddenly got serious. "You're looking for ghosts you mean."

I exchanged a glance with Newt.

Jorge looked at each and everyone of us.

"What are your name's?" He stared at me as if implying I should go first.

"My name's Y/N." I looked at him. Jorge looked at Newt, cocking his head.


Jorge looked at our entwined fingers, smirking slightly. "Huh." He said.

He went around asking everyone their names before asking one last question.

"Now where do you come from?" 

"That's for us to know." Minho sassed.

Jorge gave him a look. "Take them." He ushered the men.

They tackled us to the ground, and Jorge came around with some kind of box thing.

I looked at Brenda, scared of what was going to happen; but she just stared blankly at us.

She has changed.

Something beeped, and Jorge looked at the box.

"Your from Wicked. Which means your valuable."

"We're going to escape you know." Teresa said.

"No hermano. You're not going anywhere." Jorge said.

And then I was knocked out.


Hey guys! Sorry this is so short. I have my exams on Monday so AAAHhHAHH.

I wanted to thank you guys SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for the amazing, sweet, and overall just hilarious and lovely comments last chapter. I am so grateful for you guys and I couldn't thank you dudes more.

So *drum roll please* READER OF THE WEEK IS..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Is everyone who commented on last chapter. Because you all made me so thankful and happy for you guys. I love you dudes so much.


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