Chapter 22: Right Arm

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The whole time we were in the car, Thomas was ignoring me.

'Good' I thought.

However, he was talking to Brenda really loudly and flirting. A lot.

So is that what he does? Move from one girl to another?

I rested my head on Newts shoulder, and he placed his head on mine.

"I missed you." I mumbled softly, closing my eyes. Newt moved the hand that was on my thigh, entwining out fingers. With his other hand he started playing with my hair.

"I missed you to." He whispered.

"You know..sometimes I miss the glade." I started.

"Why? It was hell in there."

"Yea, it was..but in the maze...I also had so many fun times. Like, sitting by the camp fire and singing songs, playing games like telephone and truth or dare, climbing trees, telling jokes, and I kinda even felt safe in the stone walls... we weren't really exposed inside there. We could have fun and not worry. Not worry about not having food, not panicking when it was dark out. We even had more time with each other then." I looked at Newt now.

His expression seemed to sadden at the realization of this.

"Your right. I-I do miss it." He looked down at our hands, and then ran his thumb back and forth across the top of my hand.

"I miss it to Y/N." I turned my head and looked over at Minho.

"I miss running through maze every morning, figuring out the puzzle. Man it was kinda a fun challenge." He smiled, letting out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. "I miss wrestling you shanks."

"I miss my beautiful kitchen." Frypan said softly.

"Yea, and I miss your bacon." Teresa mumbled, causing us to laugh.

"His bacon was the best..." Thomas even joined in.

"Your guys' maze seemed like a lot of fun...I hated mine." Aris said.

Soon, every one of the gladers talked about the things they missed from the glade.

And then it got quiet.

"I think...I miss one more thing." I looked at my knees now, picking at my pants.

"What princess?" Newt tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I m...miss my brother."

I let out a sigh. Newt wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a hug.
"I know."

The car started to slow down.

"I think we've arrived."

Everybody crawled out of the car. I looked at my surroundings. A long outstretched highway, covered with abandoned cars.
Mountains rose up into the sky, and when I looked over the edge, the ground dropped over 100 feet.

"Jeez, what's with the abandoned cars?" Minho said, running his hand along the hood of one.

"No idea but-" Jorge got cut off by gunfire. "Duck behind the cars! Go!"

I held my hands over my head, Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me over to one of the cars.

Bullets were hitting the ground and the cars, the high pitched pinging noise of metal on metal and the loud thundering boom from the guns.

"What's happening? Who's shooting us?" Newt screamed over at Brenda and Thomas, both of them shrugging their shoulders. Thomas and I made awkward eye contact.

Suddenly the shooting stopped and it was quiet.

"Do you think they think we're dead-" Frypan started, but he was cut off by the sound of a gun cocking.

"Put your hands in the air." One of the two, I assume girls said, pointing the gun right at my chest.

I got up steadily, as did the others. I looked at Newt through the corner of my eye and his glance was focused with an angry look at the girl with blond braids pointing the gun at me.

Before one of us could speak, the girl with dark skin pulled down her mouth cover, and whispered a name.


I know I shouldn't have because I was at gunpoint, but I turned my head towards the freckle covered boy.

"Harriet? Sonya?"

They knew eachother?

The girl who had the gun pointed at me let the gun fall slowly by her side, before quickly removing her face mask and running over to engulf the small boy into a hug.

"What happened to you?" Harriet asked Aris.

"I don't know these men took me to this weird building where the people inside claimed to be against Wicked." Aris stood staring at the two girls, amazed that they were in front of him.

"Where did you guys come from? By the way, these are my friends." He motioned to us.

The two females skimmed through us, then looked back at Aris.

"We joined the Right Arm."

"You mean- the group against Wicked?"

"Well what other Right Arm."

"I don't know, this one." Minho stuck up his right arm, snickering. Frypan snorted and I just rolled my eyes.

"We were just on our way to look for the Right Arm. Will you take us to them?" Jorge said.

"I guess so. Come on, lets go." Sonya said, using her arm to motion for us to follow.

"Were clear guys!" Harriet screamed, and all of our heads turned to look where she was yelling. In the mountains, suddenly figures of bodies were visible.

"So you just shoot down random people passing by?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Sonya gave me a nasty look. "Obviously we want to protect the organizations base camp sweetheart. Of course we will shoot down any threats."

I stared at her, and she gave me a small smile and walked ahead of us.

I looked over at Newt. "Jeez, what's her problem."

The sandy blonde headed boy shrugged his shoulders. "No idea."


Ahhh hey dudes!

Small update ):

But guess whaaaaaaaat?

Its ma BiRtHdAy today!!!! :3

So I did a birthday update!

I cant believe I haven't updated since August 0.o ugh I'm so sorry I'm a literal piece of trash.

I got a laptop and now I'll be able to write more hopefully! XD hehehe

Love you guys, thank you for being so patient <3

-Hailey xx

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