Chapter 21: Two can play that game

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Newt POV

I held Y/N in my arms, playing with her hair.

'Please wake up, please wake up.' I mumbled.

Across the room, Thomas was giving me a death glare.

Right now I was 100% done with Tomm- Thomas. Trying to get MY girlfriend.

He's not gonna bloody well do that.

The groaning of the man named Marcus was ringing in my ears.

Jorge was 'teaching him a lesson' and getting information about the right arm out of him. So he tied him to a chair and is now punching him.

I watched painfully, and then I felt something- someone touch my cheek.

I followed the arm attached to the hand, and my eyes connected with the beautiful e/c ones I get lost in every time I look into them.

She smiled a small smile, before bringing my head down and pulling me into a deep kiss.

I wrapped my arms around her body, my head in the crook of her neck.

"Please don't do that again Y/N. I thought you were gone. I thought that you left me for him." I whispered, voice cracking.



'Him' echoed through my mind. The sentence echoed through my mind.

I wanted to scream at him and tell him everything.

Tell him that I thought I loved Thomas, that it was Thomas to blame.

But it wasn't Thomas. It wasn't his fault.

Yes he was the one to push, but I was the one to obey.

"I would never." I said softly, and the blond headed boy slowly lifted his head and placed his nose on mine. Foreheads together.

"Not Bertha." I heard a voice whimper.

I turned my head, looking to see where we are.

Everyone was here. Jorge was face to face with some man tied up to a chair.

I wonder how long I was out for.

"What's happening?" I asked Newt.

"Well, the man that's beaten up, that's Marcus."

I squinted my eyes at him.

"Wait! That's the man that gave me the funny drink which knocked out Thomas and I!" I said, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"So that's why you were out cold. He drugged you. Bloody bastard." Newt softly sat me up, before stomping over to Marcus.

"The hell were you thinking drugging my girlfriend!?"

The man chuckled. "Your girlfriend? I would have thought she'd been dating that one over there." He nodded his head to Thomas.

Newt had an angry expression written over his face, as his eyes lingered away from Marcus, and onto Thomas.

He let out a deep sigh, before swinging back and punching Marcus in the face.

"She's my girlfriend, and that's what you get for drugging her."

Marcus had a smug look on his face.
"Well if she were yours then they wouldn't have almost kissed."

"Hey!" I stood up suddenly, ready to scream at the man.

But Newt on the their hand launched backwards, lifting his arm, about to punch Thomas.

Most likely harder than what he did to Marcus.

"No! Newt stop it!" I screamed, running and grabbing his arm.

His chest was moving up and down quickly, teeth gritted.
"Almost have kissed?" He said harshly.

"It was the drug. Newt I swear."
And this time it wasn't a lie.

He slowly moved his arm back down, before grabbing my hand.
"Let's go."

He pulled me away, and I turned back around looking at Thomas.

He looked upset, a puppy dog pleading look on his face.


Thomas POV

I'm not sure if Y/N screwed me over or not.

One second she wants me, then Newt, then me.

I guess I need to stop.

But then again, they act all lovely in front of me.

And they both know it makes me jealous.

Well two can play that game Y/N.

I can make you jealous to.

Two can play that game.


Hey dudes!

Sorry, it's kinda short, but better than nothing!

Five more days and I'm flying back home to Canada from the Netherlands! :(:

And then..SCHOOL.


-Hailey xx

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