Chapter 16: Panic

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@LAH_73 you are a genius. Definitely going to take in and put your suggestion into the book!! Its awesome!




"Of course I came back. Y/N." Brenda said. "Now follow me. They're here."

"Who is?" Frypan asked.



We followed Brenda back to where we met Jorge.

"He's not gonna tie us up again is he?" Newt whispered to me, but apparently it was loud enough for Brenda to here.

"No. Sorry about that by the way."

Newt looked at me and shook his head.

Jorge was busy packing stuff while we stood there watching.

"You want to find the right arm? Ill take you to them." he said.

"But you said they were ghosts." I mumbled.

Jorge looked at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Well I happen to believe in ghosts. Now, were leaving."

Within seconds a bright light fled through the room, and then a voice on an intercom.

"Give me the prisoners, and no one will get hurt."

It was Janson.

"We have to go. Now."

Brenda led us to a window, where there was a zip line.

"This will take you out of here. Wait at the end. Jorge, come on!"

"Wait Brenda."

"What are you doing?" She gritted through her teeth. Jorge was busy putting a record into a record player. Now was not a time for music.

"I'm playing my favorite song." A strange song started playing in the background.

Brenda's expression turned to fear and she started rushing us away, down the zip line.

Newt grabbed my shoulders. "Ill meet you at the end ok? He won't get us."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around the boy. "I love you."

"I love you to."

We pulled apart, and Newt grabbed hold of the handles, jumping off, and sliding down the line.

One by one, they all went down.

It was just Thomas and I left.

"We need to g-"

"AHK!" The zip line snapped. I turned to the left, and there were a group of men in gear with launchers coming towards us.

"Run." Thomas breathed quickly, grabbing hold of my hand, entwining our fingers. Usually I would mind, but I don't right now.

Thomas lead me around the building, trying to get rid of the men behind us. But they were everywhere.

"OK. Across these. There has to be another way out."

Thomas pointed to these long beams stretching across the roof.

"Walks across THEM!" I started shaking.

The men were closing in now, surrounding us.

"It's the only way Y/N. They are blocking all other ways. Trust me."

Thomas gave me a look.

I couldn't describe the look, but I could feel it in a way.

It made my fingertips tingle, and caused butterflies to erupt inside my stomach.

I've only ever seen Newt look at me like that.

"Ok Thomas. I trust you." I said, and started walking across the beams.

I felt Thomas right behind me, and gun shots were whizzing past us.

Ill make it. Ill be ok.

I was about to stop, until a loud booming noise rang through the building.

I turned around, fear written all over my expression.

The building was blowing up in flames. Big circles of orange, black and red dotted all behind us. The beams started wobbling as the roof and floor started caving in.

"Go Y/N! GO!"

But I was frozen.

I was having a panic attack.

I tried breathing in the oxygen surrounding us, but I couldn't. My body just wouldn't let me.

Thomas looked around frantically, and then picked me up, running across the beams.

Then they all collapsed, and we fell.

I felt my body being surrounded by Thomas'; his arms around me protectively. We hit the ground below, and Thomas let out a muffled groan.

Air still wasn't making its way into my lungs, and Thomas noticed the sound I was making while hyperventilating.

"Y/N! What's wrong? Breath!"

I shook my head, backing away from him, still heaving in and out. My palms were pushing on the dirty ground, covered in black soot.

Thomas suddenly grabbed my body, screaming at me. "Y/N!"

He ran his fingers in my hair, trying to calm me down

Then our lips connected, and suddenly I felt all the air flow back into me.

He pulled away seven seconds later. It did not feel like seven seconds, but seven years.

He pulled away, eyes closed while I heaved in the air, life suddenly flowing back into my body.

"Thomas." I whispered.

He pulled me onto his lap while his back was against the wall, and he just held me there. My head on his chest, listening to his heart, while his hand was on my head, and his other arm wrapped around me.

All that could be heard was our heavy breathing.




Did that just happen?

I think it did.





I give up on reader of the week lol.

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