In the begging

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"Mommy where are we moving to again?" A young 8 year old Ryder asked as she was looking out of the car window seeing a whole new world, literally.

"Australia dear, Sydney Australia to be exact." her mom said taking her eyes off the road just for a split second to look back at her smiling daughter. Amazed by everything around her completely oblivious as to why they have moved so far away.


"Mommy there's a boy over there!" Ryder shouted to her mom, it seemed louder than it should of considering the house was practically empty only with a few boxes shared between the two. As there old furniture they did not take with them.

"Where sweety?" her mom Jane asked bending down next her baby girl resting a hand on her back looking out the window.

"There, he has blonde hair like me!" Ryder exclaimed grabbing her hair showing her mom giggling.

"I see sweety." Jane said laughing with her daughter she always seemed to have to laugh when Ryder did, her laugh was contagious. No one could not laugh with it no matter what mood your in. "Why don't we go say hi?" Her mom suggest causing Ryder to node her head so fast it looked like her neck would snap.

"Can we please mom?" She begged pulling on her moms shirt as she's only a little bit taller than her moms hip. For a 10 year old she was quiet short for her age.

"Of course Ryder dear." her mom said calling her by her nickname that she has been called for as long as she can remember.

As Ryder and her mom made there way across the street towards the similar size house to theirs. Just this house was a greyish color and Ryder's was white.

Before her mom was about to say hi the young boys head snapped up his eyes widening before quickly dropping his toy car and running into his house screaming "Mommy!"

Jane and Ryder were both confused, Ryder way more than her mom. Ryder looked at her mom with tears in her eyes.

"Am I really that scary?" She asked letting a tear fall with a sniffel.

"Oh no Sweety he's not scared of you, he just doesn't know us." Jane reassures Ryder keeping it short and simple before kissing her for head, and wlaoing up to the door.

Jane rose her hand to ring the door bell. They heard the song echo through the house. As they waited they saw the little boy with hair going all different directions. Peeking his head the slitest bit by the window by the door to look at them. As if he's oblivious that they can see him. U til Ryder notices and waves with a but smile showing her small one dimple close to her mouth on the left side.

The boy eyes widened again and he quickly left. Ryder's smile faded, thinking what the kids at her old school were right she is scary, that no one likes her. But her smile quickly came back when she heard the door opening. Revealing a women with blonde hair looking about the same age as her mom, maybe a bit older.

"Can I help you?" her Australian accent rang through there ears. She had a worm smile on her face.

"Ah I guess you could say, we just moved here." Ryder's mom says pointing back to their house they haven't been in more than 2 hours.

"Ah you must be the Americans everyone had been talking about?" She question with the same smile.

"Well I guess" Jane said with a laugh Ryder and the women joining as well

"Its a small town everybody knows everybody." the women explains Jane nods understanding now.

"Oh my where are my manners come in, come in." the women tell them opening the door so they can enter.

I Dedicate This Song To You >>L.H<<Where stories live. Discover now