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Ryder's pov

"So do you wanna do anything today" I ask Diamond as we eat our breakfast my mom had gotten called into work late last night and won't be home till tonight so right now its only Diamond and I.

"Um I don't know, don't really know anything in Australia to do" she says laughing a little taking a spoon full of cereal.

"To be honest with you I still don't know everything here, and I've lived here for six years. " I say laughing as well.

"Really y'all seem like such the adventurous type" she says sarcastically making me roll my eyes.

"I mean Ashton is, Calum sometimes, Luke is only if I go, and Michael is me. We don't leave the house" I explain

"What about Rose?" She asks

"I don't really know I've only known her for maybe two weeks" I say honestly, I'm just gonna guess she the adventure type I mean she is with Ashton. Can you say she's "with" him. She did suck his dick.

"What do you mean?" She asks knitting her eyebrows together.

"Rose is Michaels cousin and this is the first time I've met her because she lives in LA" I inform Diamond.

"Oh" she say understanding now. "Why did she move there, I mean LA is amazing but.." She trialed off.

"She's a model more job opportunities there I guess" I say.

"Is that why she asked me if I've ever modeled?" Diamond asks

"Yeah, she invited me to go with her back to the states soemtiems during the summer. She says I could be the next big actor" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"That would be so cool though!" Diamond exclaims. "I miss LA I haven't been there in ages" she says sitting down with a huff.

"Not my fault you moved to Florida for your preforming arts stuff" I say acting rube but I'm really joking.

"Well dance is really important to me, and that school was the better choice" she explains.

"Yeah I know I'm just messing with you" I say laughing.

"So you and Luke finally together" Diamond raises her brows smirking.

"Yeahhh" I dragg out the word trying to hide my smile behinde my mess of hair.

"Awe that's so cute' she gushes

"Yeah yeah, what bout you and Michael huh? I saw the sparks when y'all were talking" I say smirking.

"Um no" she says laughing but it wasn't her normal laugh. It was a fake laugh that anyone could tell was fake.

"You suck at lying" I inform her.

"I just met the guy chill" she states laughing. 

"Whatever you say" I say dragging out the words. She just roll's her eyes.

As soon as I was about to walk up the stairs the doorbell rings. Diamond and I both look at each other confused.

I walk to the door and open the door squinting my eyes due to the brightness.

"Uh hello I'm looking for a Miss Ryder Daniels" the guy asks

"That's me" I say

"I have your package" he says moving to the side too show a box.

I look at it confused before realizing what it is.

"I need you to sign this" he says holding out this thing where I needed to sign.

I sing the weird thingy and hand it back to him. "Here you go" I say smiling.

He tips his hat and he's on his way.

"Who was it?" Diamond asks walking towards me.

"The delivery guy" I say smiling before stepping outside to get the box.

"Help" I say, its a lot heavier than it looks.

"What the hell is it?" She questions and we finally get it up to my room setting it on my bed.

"Luke's birthday present, I need to call Rose!" I exclaim grabbing my phone sending her a text to come over.

"What did you get him?" She questions

"You'll see when Rose gets here" I exclaims smiling wide. A couple minuets later my bedroom door opens revealing Rose.

"Hello people" she exclaims.

"Look what came in the mail!" I yell pointing to the box on my bed.

"A box?" She asks being the sarcastic person she is.

"No its Lukes birthday present" I say going back to my bed sitting down and starting to open it.

"What did you end up getting him since you didn't have enough to get him the guitar?" She questions coming closer diamond standing next to her.

"This" I say smiling holding up the beautiful baby blue and white guitar.

"Oh my god you actually got it!" Rose exclaims

"Yeah it was hard but I did it" I say happily.

"How, if you didn't have enough money?" Diamond questions observing the shiny new guitar.

"I have my ways" I say not making eye contact with them.

"When is his birthday?" Diamond asks

"Next Friday" I say

"We gotta throw him a surprise party, I'll call Ash and have him bring the other boys and make Luke go do stuff while we discuss this" Rose says typing away on her phone.

Hiiii hope y'all r enjoying so srry that it was kinda short. love yinz💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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