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Ryder's pov

Waking up the next morning I felt like shit, my face hurt and I just felt sick.

I knew I had to face my mom soon and I sure as hell didn't want her to see the mark on my face. She would freak, bad memories.

I got up from my bed and put on some concealer and foundation then powder to finished it off.

Luckily I didn't have to use a lot he didn't hit me that hard. Bitch can't even hit bet I did worst to him.

I then walked downstairs to see my lovely mom reading something in a magazine.

"Hi mommy" I say in a baby voice because I don't know I'm weird.

"Morning sweety" my mom replies sipping her coffee.

"Im probably gonna hang out with the guys. Kay?" I question grabbing a glass of orange juice

"You always do" she says shaking her head laughing a bit. "Still no girlfriends?" She questioned. Its not like she didn't love the boys I mean they are practically her other four kids. But she always tells me.

"Your gonna need girl time"

And I'm just over here like

"That's what Ashton's for"

She still argues with me about it but eventually gives up knowing I would not befriend any girl in the area I live in.

"Why aren't you friends with any of the girls anyway?" She questions shutting her magazine.

"Because there all fake ass bitches or sluts" I say shrugging my shoulders I mean its true, sorry I ain't gonna sugar coat it.

"True" she says scrunching up her face nodding her head. Making us both laugh.

"How's Luke?" She questions as I get out a cold piece of pizza from last night.

"He's still a nine foot tall blonde" I tell her us again both laughing at how I described Luke.

"And uh James?" She questions losing her smile right away. Yeah my mom has never liked James. At first I didn't really know why, but now I know why.

"Uh we aren't on good terms right now you could say" I say not really making eye contact making sure the bruise is facing the other way of her.

"Never liked him" my mom says bluntly. She's always like this speaks her mind and has ABSOLUTELY NO filter.

"I know" I say sighing before grabbing my phone off the counter where I set it before running back up stairs to get ready.

I quickly texted the guys in our group chat to male sure they all wanted to hang.

To: Pizza Balls

You can tell Michael was the last to change the group name.

From Ryder: y'all still want to hang?

L: For sure :)

M: Luke quit flirting

L: I was not

M: fuck you were lol

A: Michael stop fucking swearing

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