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(Ok sometimes my gifts don't go with the chapter 😂😂😂😂)

Ryder's pov

"So what was so important that you had to drag us away from our game of FIFA?" Michael groans as he plops himself down on Luke's couch, Calum following

"Well my mums gone for the weekend so long sleepover here!" Luke exclaims well that's news to me.

"You seriously made us stop playing our game, made us go outside walk here just to tell us were having a weekend sleepover?" Michael questions.

"Uh yeah" Luke answers nervously.

"Sometimes Luke you annoy me so much" Michael complains.

"Come on you love Luke, or should I say your boyfriend" I coo teasing Mikey.

"Shut up I'm as straight as pencil" Mikey retorts making us all laugh.

"I know you love me and all, but I'm taken. Sorry" Luke says sitting down next to me kissing my cheek.

"Yeah in your dreams" Calum said rolling his eyes.

They really didn't believe Luke and I were together. That's so funny.

"No guys they are really together" Ash speaks up from the other couch with Rose next to him but no too close.

"Your joking right?" Michael question his brows knitted togther.

"Nope this dork who I call my boyfriend and I are dating" I say happily looking at Luke to see he's already staring at me.

"Wait wait wait hold up back the mother fucking train up, Luke actually had the balls to tell you he likes you!?" Mikey exclaimed

"More like the balls to ask you to be his girlfriend" Cal added in chuckling before getting smacked by Rose who sent him a death glare. Ahston just laughed pulling Rose closer to him her smile only growing.

"Oh what's going on with you two now, fuck buddies or dating" Mikey yelled again getting frustrated but we knew he was only being the drama queen he is.

I snorted at his statement of "fuck buddies" but quickly covered my mouth when all eyes were on me. And lemme tell ya the ones from Ash and Rose were not so pretty. If looks could kill I'd be dead in a heart beat.

"Just friends Michael" Ash stated as Rose blushed madly. She's such a bad liar, yes just from knowing her in the short amount of time I have I know she's a horrible liar.

I was literally biting Luke's finger from keeping my mouth shut, trying not to laugh.

"Can you like not eat my finger" Luke whispered in my ear, but that only made me bite down harder causing him to jerk it away and yelp in pain.

"Sorry babe" I say chuckling turning my attention back to the scene unfolding in front of us.

"Mikey I swear just friends" Rose exclaimed, her face getting so red.

"I can't watch this" I say to Luke not looking away from them. "But I must" I say causing him to laugh.

"Then why is your face all red, and his in a smirk and you guys are all cuddled up together" Michael ranmbled. "Oh my god you fucked my cousin" he exclaimed his eyes widening.

That was the last straw for me. I let out a very unhunamly noise quickly covering my mouth and burring my face into Luke's lap. I'm seriously not making this situation any better.

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