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(Disclaimer this my be hard for some ppl to read. Physical/ mental abuse is in this chapter. You have been warned and also if any of yinz r going through anything just come talk to me talk to me. How to reach me will be at the end. Love y'all so much)

Ryder's pov

As I walked to James house even thought it was quiet far. I don't have my license yet, and I didn't feel like fighting with James to have him come and pick me up. So I walked, like a half an hour walk.

After many hills, and many breaks becasue like walking ain't my thing. I finally made it to his house. I noticed his parents car wasn't there. Which caused me to let out a shaky breath cracking my neck and shaking off the nerves.

I walked up to the door and knocked waiting for James to answer. A couple second later he answered.

"Hey babe" he said pulling me right in smashing his lips onto mine. I didn't like it, it felt forced and that's not what I liked. I tried pulling away, and making it clear that I did not enjoy this but James was oblivious to anything I was doing.

"James stop please" I was practically begging trying to push him away. But damn he was stronger than I thought.

"Come on now don't be like that" he said whispering in my ear kissing down my neck now.

I wanted to cry why does he always do this to me. Right now we were up in his room doing something I wish we weren't doing. This is basically and everyday thing when I hang out with James. If you could even call it 'hanging out'. I basically just come over fuck and then leave. I don't even think you could call it a relationship.

I was now getting dressed feeling disgusted. At first I was ok with it, and then something just switched in James and now he's a whole new person. I was pulling my hoodie back over my head when my phone rang. Before I could grab it James beat me to it.

"Why the fuck is Luke texting you?" He hissed giving me a death glare.

"He's my best friend, why wouont he text me" I sassed back, honestly James was just ticking me off more than usual today.

"How many times have I told you to stop talking to him?" He asked again getting angrier.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I yell back looking at him like he's crazy. Well he is.

"Just go, go hang out with him so you can fuck him to, and be the slut you are!" He spat back throwing my phone at me.

Lucky asshole that caught it.

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