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Ryder's pov

Kissing is such a weird action if you think about it. Like you put food in there and yeah I don't know its weird. Then when you out your mouth on someone else's its even weirder. But this is what was happening with Luke and I right now.

His soft lips felt just like how I would of imagined a cloud would feel. My hands tangeled into his soft blonde hair his hands hesitant to go lower to my hips. The kiss didn't go any farther and it wasn't heated or full of lust, just purity. But it ended too soon, I could honestly kiss Luke all day.

"Ryder?" Luke questioned looking down at me as we were still closed wrapped in each others arms.

"Yeah" I say in a whisper looking up at him.

"Do you hate me?" He asked fear clear on his face.

Did he honestly think I would hate him after he just did what I wanted to do for a while now. Might of not seemed like it, because I'm just good at hiding my emotions, but I wanted to so badly. Epically today and I'm so glad it did.

"If I was would I do this?" I tested, Luke giving me a confused look before I reconnected our lips. Again just a sweet and simple kiss but if felt like everything.

"So what are we?" I asked the question burning in my mind.

"Well I guess you know that I like you a lot. Actually I've liked you for a while" Luke admitted.

"How long?" I question now curios tilting my head

"Basically since we've been friends" he says sheepishly yet a smile on his face. He's so cute, why have I never admitted my feelings towards this cute yet awkward boy before. He's honestly all I could ask for in a guy and better yet he's my best friend.

Or was that the deal breaker?

"Do you like me?" Luke asks breaking me from my thoughts.

"I mean I've never really admitted it to myself until now, but yes I like you" I say looking up into his sky blue eyes. A smile tugging at his lips.

"A lot" I add in his full smile now on his face.

"So are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asks seating us back and forth his hands in my hips which I was ok with.

"No" I say his face instantly dropping the color draining form his face.

"You've got to ask me properly" I say with a laugh luke rolling his eyes at me. How can he like me? The world may never know.

"I fucking hate you, but Ryder Marie Daniels will you do me in the honor of being my girlfriend?" Luke asked with a cheeky smile. I love the fact that he could still be somewhat confinident around me even with our feelings for each other and vise versa.

"I would love to" I say giggling before pecking his lips a couple times.

"We should go to bed it's been a long night" I say looking at my kuckels, the blood now dried and it actually didn't hurt.

"Yeah I'm exhausted" Luke says walking over to his dresser.

"Here" he says throwing me one of his many band shirts.

"Why would I wear this, when I have plenty of clothes that I've left here" I say pointing over to a bag I know is mine that over the years has just gotten bigger and bigger of things I've left here.

"We're a couple now, just, ugh wear my shirt" he says irritated before taking his off.

"I wanna wear that one" I say to his shirt he just took off

"Why?" He asked with a smirk.

Fucking hate him

Just kidding

"Because it smells like you and you smell good" I admitted my shyness finally gone. Kind of.

He handed me his shirt turning back around to finish changing also giving me my privacy.

"You can turn around now Luke" I say ruffeling my hair.

"You sure?" Luke questioned turning around but with his hands still over his eyes.

"Your such a dork" I tease walking over and pulling his hands down from his face kissing his nose. Causing him to do the cutest thing ever, scrunsching up his nose.

"But I'm you're dork" he tells me wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to him.

"Only my dork to" I say in a stern tone. Sorry I'm the jealous type, and I mean look at Luke. And I know how these bitches are in this town.

"And your only my cutie" Luke says before dragging us to his bed. Making me fall on top of him, he's like a body pillow I love it.

"Your so cuddly" I say snuggling in him more closing my eyes.

"So are you" Luke mumbles entangling our legs together letting out a yawn.

"You wanna know something funny?" I question after a bit of silence.

"What?" He questions tiredness clear in his tone.

"Our parents are going to be so happy" I say laughing making Luke lightly chuckle his chest vibrating which oddly I found soothing. I don't know I'm weird judge me.

"Six years finally payed off" he kissing my hair since my face is turned away from him.

"What do you think the guys will think" he asks tightening his grip on me. Like if he doesn't hold on I'll vanish. Even though I wouldn't.

"I don't know, I know Rose will be happy. She already thought we were a couple when she first met me" I inform him sleep creeping up on me as my eyes become harder and harder to keep open.

"Well now its official" he says again yawning.

"And I'm glad" I say yawning.

"Ok as much as I would love to keep talking I'm tired, good night Luke" I say lightly laughing turning my head to peck his lips.

"Night Ryder" he mumbled into my neck.

And with that I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. And for the first time in forever. I felt like I was in the right place. I was home.

Heyy do this was really short, srry but it was cute. I think idk. Comment and vote love yinz 💕

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