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Ryder's pov

The ride to Luke's house was silent, I could see Luke sneaking glances at me worried filling his eyes. He was never really good at hiding how he was feeling.

We finally arrived at his house, me quickly glanceing at my house seeing my mom isn't home yet. We get out Luke wrapping an arm around me leading me to his house before taking it away to open the door.

"Hi mum I'm home, Ryder's here to!" Luke called out Liz soon coming to where we were standing.

"When isn't Ryder here?" She question with a little laugh, causing Luke to grin me as well. Because it was true. Ever since I've moved here I've always been over his house just hanging out with Luke.

Liz didn't really look at me which is a good thing because I know I probably look like shit. We were now up in Luke's room and as soon as he opened the door I immediately walked to his bed and fell on my stomach my face landing on his pillow.

"Ow" I said even though it was muffled due to the pillow, guess I fell too hard on my nose.

"Can you please tell me what happened? " Luke questioned as I felt the bed dip down indicating Luke was now sitting down.

I just shrugged my shoulders still my face buried into the pillow.

"Ryyddeerrr" Luke complained dragging out my name pulling on my arms to get me up.

"You know your really annoying" I say trying to be serious, but can anyone be serious when Luke is pouting at you like an idiot.

"But you love me" he said with a cheeky smile causing me to smile as well.

"Fine I'll tell you" I said sighing not really wanting to rember what just happened not that pong ago.

Luke's full attention was on me, just waiting for me to speak.

"Ok, so I went to James house like I said I was earlier. When I got their his parents weren't home" I say that part a bit slower. I look over seeing Luke tense up.

Shit wait till he hears what happens next.

"So he started kissing me and touching me, and he wanted to take it further, but I didn't" I said again looking at Luke he looked pissed.

"And when I refused he hit me, I foight back but I mean he's a guy he's stronger. Then when I said we're done he threatened me." I say stuttering at some parts just thinking of him hitting me again.

"Oh and he called me a slut, and other things. Then told me to quiet talking to you" I say rolling my eyes.

"He called you a slut. Is he for real. And oh my god he hit you. I'm going to kill him. If its the last thing I do!" Luke yelled finally letting everything out. Now pacing around his room like he did in mine earlier.

"Luke its fine, we're done you don't have to worry" I say trying to convince him, more like trying to convince myself.

"How can I calm down knowing he hit you and said all those mean things to you" Luke said sitting down now looking right at me.

"Your poor face" he said reaching his hand up barley wiping his thumb over my swollen cheek.

"Uh my face is ugly anyways, this is just icing on top of the cake" I say shrugging honestly I've gotten so use to being put down by James that I started to insult myself, and when others did it, it didn't bother me. It was normal.

"Ryder are you crazy, your so beautiful, don't listen to what James has ever told you, your beautiful" Luke whispered the last part as he wrapped his arms around me. Digging his face into my neck as I just tightened my grip on his shirt and started to cry.

Luke's pov

After Ryder had finally let all her tears out on my shirt she went home, but not after me pleading for her to stay. She said he mom wanted her home, I know that was an excuse, but I let her go knowing that she probably wanted space right now.

I decided to go over to Michael's and meet up with the rest of the guys. I just needed my best mates with me right now, maybe they can distract me from Ryder. Even though I know nothing can distract me from her espically after what happened today.

"Hey Luke, what's wrong this time. Have you been crying?" Michael asks as soon as he sits down on the couch in Michaels basement.

"No, just allergies" I say casually rubbing my eyes to make it more believable. They nodded their heads giving me a 'I don't believe you, but we'll just go with it' look.

Well what was so suppose to say?

'Ya I just got done crying because my best friend who I also like a lot got beatin by her boyfriend a couple hours ago'. No because Ryder told me this stays between us, because she didn't want people to find out, especially her mum, or even worst James.

"So where did you go earlier that you needed to leave so suddenly?" Ashton asked breaking the silence.

"Uh Ryder needed a ride" I say leaving out the main part why.

"You'll literally do anything for that girl" Calum says chucking making everyone else do the same.

"She's my best friend of course I would" I say calling down my laughter still smiling like and idiot. It smees like every time I talk about Ryder a smile never leaves my face.

Oh god I sound like such a girl.

"Mate, when I asked you to pick me up when my car broke down, you told me to call Ash!" Calum exclaimed causing us all to burst out laughing.

"I was with Ryder, didn't want to be rude and ditch her" I say not really realizing what I was saying.

"Ahh our young Lucas Robert Hemmings is in love" Ashton cooed making hearts with his hands, with Michael and Cal making kissy noises.

"Fuck off" I say rolling my eyes us all laughing.

Well they didn't really distract me from Ryder, but eh distracted me from the bad.

"*Authors Note**

Ugghh I really hate this chapter idk y

And srry for Michaels name being spelled different ways sometimes. My phone auto corrects and I don't edit my books until they are finished so I don't really notice it. U less I re read it while I'm writing. So pls don't comment saying I don't know how to spell his name. I do its my phone blame my phone its sassy af.

But anyways I hope u guys r enjoying this book so far.

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