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(P.s the song for this chapter u should go watch he music video for the song its called Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil. I'm on my phone doing this, and idk why  it won't let me put it but go watch it or don't lol)

Ryder's pov

I debaited with myself weather or not I should answer it or not. We aren't together or anything so its not like I have to answer him or anything. Before I could even think of the con's of not answering him the buzzing stops, and I hope he doesn't call back. Thing is I should know better than to think hell stop with one call. Cause a second later my phone is ringing again.

This time I puck it up and I'm instantly pissed off.

"What do you want James?" I ask angrily

"Don't use that tone babe, its not pretty" he says laughing clearly drunk off his ass.

"Why are you calling me? We are done what part if that don't you understand?" I ask getting more frustrated by the second.

"That's the thing we aren't done, you always say that yet you come running back to me" he slurs. Of course he would bring that up.

"I'm done this time" I say not as loud.

"You know what fuck you, your probably fucking that faggot Luke right now. God always knew you were a slut." He says chuckling at the end.

"What the hell Luke is my friend I have been telling you this for months. And I'm jot a whore your the only person I was with" I snap now getting up walking pacing back and forth running my hand through my hair furiously.

"But now that we are done, you'll be the new whore of the town. So why don't you quiet lying to yourself and accept you new reputation" he yelled back, and for how drunk he is he sure can talk.

"You know what" I say stopping my pacing.

"What?" He asked rudly

"Go fuck Megan because I could honestly care less" I say throwing my one and up in the air before starting my pacing again.

"Actually I was just going to" he says before hanging up the phone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear to look at my screen and see that he really did just hang up on me. Ok.

I groan in frustration my anger boiling I couch my phone tightly before tossing it on my bed knowing that I shouldn't throw it. I mean already almost broke it today. So I walked over to my dresser and swipped everything off of it before continuing to do that to the rest of my dressers yelling things about James he honestly gets me so wound up and not in a good ya. A way that I want to punch him till his teeth are no longer there.

"Ryder stop!" A voice that I knew was Luke's yell

I couldn't thought so much adrenaline was pumping through me that I just couldn't stop. He tried to grab my arm but I jerked it away harshly before yelling at him to leave. I then went over to my dessert that was previously cleared off before pulling it forward and letting it tumble to the ground.

After that I stopped and it all hit me. Tears reluctantly fell from my eyes and I began to shake my knees going weak and soon after they gave out. I was engulfed in arms that held me tightly. Bringing me close to their body.

I was how crying hysterically into Luke's chest, and I just couldn't stop.

"Shh, shh its going to be ok" Luke just kept whispering things like that into my ear ridding my hair just doing anything to calm me down.

"I fucking hate him so much!" I sob loudly into him grabbing some of his shirt into my hand. How my Mon isn't hearing this all right now is beyond me. Maybe went out then I remember has as much of a life as I do.

"I know shh" Luke cooed.

After that all I remember was crying and it slowly letting up the longer I went on. Until finally I stopped completely falling asleep in Luke's arms.

I woke up in my bed and sat up streachibg before ruddibg my eyes. I looked around my room seeing that its still a disaster. I chuckle to myself why I don't know. I was about to get out of my bed before I look down and see a bundeoed up in a ball Luke sleeping in my floor.

I laugh at him a but not too loud before steeping over him and bending down to the other side if him.

"Luke" I call as I shake him a bit. No response. "Luke get up" I say a bit louder shaking him harder. But again no response, maybe he's dead. So I go to the last resort and start to ticket him.

"What th- OH NY GOD STOP!" Luke screeched thrashing around trying to get away from me.

"Ry- der ple-ease stop" Luke beetahed out practically begging him seeing as how I'm having way too much fun with this.

"Never" I remark tickiling his sides once again.

I was in control at first laughing really hard as Luke struggled until I felt myself being pulled down.

"Ahh" I yelled before Luke pinned my arms on both sides if my head causbg me not to be able to get out if his grip. I try lifting arms up, but it's no use. Since when did like get all these muscles.

We just stared at each other after I find ally stopped trying to get out of his grip. Until Luke breaks the silence.

"That was so mean, and here u thought you were the inky one who didn't tease me" he says tilting his head to the side.

"Well sorry" I say rolling my eyes before laughing and wiggiling out from under him.

"Ryder?" Luke asks as I'm about to open my bedroom door.

"Yeah" I say looking back at him

"Wha- what happened last night?" He asked almost scared of what my answer will be. I mean I wouldn't blame him. Have you seen my room.

"Not right now" I say calmly hoping he doesn't push it any farther. He simply nods putting his head down.

I begin to wlak over to him. "Hey I'll tell you later just it's too early, u trust you" I say putting my hand in his shoulder his shoulder his head slowly lifting up.

Again he simply nods but with a little smile now. I smile at him to before bringing him into a much needed hug.

"Thanks for being such and amazing friend" I say still hugging him.

He mumbled something but I couldn't hear what si I just brushed it off.

"Question" I at pulling away looking at him with my hands in my hips.

"Shoot" he says wiping his eyes clearly not fully awake.

"How did you, you know hear me" I say kind of embarrassed is what I'm feeling I don't know I'm running low on sleep so my mind is everywhere its not suppose to be.

"I was a coming over to apologize for earlier, and I heard all your stuff flying around so I came through the window. " he explains looking around my disaster that I caused.

"Oh well you don't need to apologize I blew up on you for no reason" I say sighing knowing I was in the wrong yesterday.

"But I over stepped my boundaries I kno-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Its fine, over and done with. Now let's go get some breakfast" I exclaim grabbing his hand dragging him down the stairs. Luke just chuckling behind me.

Hiiiii so how y'all doin how yinz liking it. Vite and comment bc y not hahah

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