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(Srry for the shitty smut, also its not like full on smut but still if u don't like that skip or read till it gets to that then skip. Love y'all)

Luke's pov (ur welcome lol)

Its been about a week since we found out about Ryder's dad. She decided it would be best to tell everyone just to keep them safe. I was proud of her I know things like that she likes to keep to herself like she doesn't need anyone, else but I know that's when she needs someone the most.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask breaking the silence as we are just lounging around on my couch

"I still can't believe you did that with my cousin" Michael blurts out randomly

"Michael we've been over this" Ashton says with a sigh.

Yeah Michael kind of found out a couple days ago everything that went down that night. Ryder let it slip.

"Oh my god I'm never sharing anything with her again. It would be like I'm sucking your dick!" Michael exclaimed making us all laugh.

"Ok, ok why don't we talk about someone else's love life and not mine" Ash says sternly yet smiling.

"Yeah Luke how are you and Ryder?" Cal asked all their attention turning to me.

"We're good its only been about a little over a week so.." I trail off

"You guys what to go to a party?" Michael asks looking down at his phone.

"Who's?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together

"Lucy's, she's a grade above us and has the huge house" Michael explains.

"We should go. I feel like we've been cooped up lately" Ash says all of us nodding in agreement.

"I'll go ask Ryder" I say getting up heading to my room. The boys headed out to get ready.

I put on some shoes and grab my phone before heading over to Ryder's. I knock on the door revealing her mum.

"Hi Jane" I say casually hugging her.

"Oh hi Luke sweety. So good to see you" she exclaims as we pull away.

"Good to see you to, um Ryder home?" I question

"Of course she is" she says laughing making me laugh a little. "Probably still asleep" Jane says rolling her eyes.

"Not surprising" I say running a hand through my quiff.

I talk to Jane a bit linger before heading up to Ryder's room. I get to the top of the stairs looking at the photos along the wall. The one of us at the school talent show when we were twelve is my favorite. I smile at the memory I was so nervous to go on stage and preform. Of course it was Ryder to the rescue who eventually got me to go out there even if she did have to push me on stage.

After reminiscing in the memory I walk down the hall till I see Ryder's band poster covered door slowly opening it. Thinking about it now I should of knocked she could of been naked. But would that of really been a bad thing.

My eyes land soon a sleeping Ryder once the door is completely open. Just like her mom said. I chuckle to myself before going over and waking her up.

I Dedicate This Song To You >>L.H<<Where stories live. Discover now