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Ryder pov

Looking around at the guys I see that they are all occupied being guys, so I take this as my chance and sneak out of the room.

I then go upstairs trying my hardest not to make a noise and then head to the bathroom. I finally answer the phone pressing it to my ear taking in a deep breath.

"Hello" I say closing my eyes

"Oh my god thank god you picked up" James says letting out a sigh of relief.

"Uh yeah" is all I could say.

"I thought you would hate me forever, for what u said yesterday. Please baby you have to understand I wasn't in the right kind set. I was drunk. Ryder I love you" he confesses.

"So calling me a slut is your way of showing your live for me?" I ask pursing my lips even though he can't see me.

"Look I'm sorry, I was drunk you know how I am" he says sounding sincere.

Fuck Ryder don't you dare fall for it again

"People make mistakes, and what's to people to learn from them if they don't get another chance" he says I can practically hear the smirk in his tone. But damn that was deep.

"Yeah I guess" I say before actually thinking.

"I just want to talk RyRy" he says sounding like he's pouting.

God I hate that fuckng nickname.

"Just talk?" I ask not believing him

"So see you tonight?" he asks

"I'm with the guys, we're having a sleepover" I say looking in the mirror making a weird face at myself for sounding like I'm twekeve for saying 'sleepover'

"Please, sneak out when they fall asleep. I really miss you babe" he says trying to persuade me.

I bite my oip jot knowing what to say. I'm so torn right now, but u shouldn't be, but I am.

"Fine I'll try" I say not really convincing myself.

"Great I'll be here love you" James says and u quickly hang up the phone. My throat started to feel like its closing, tears were pricking my eyes.

Breath, just breath

God I hate panic attacks, thank god I was able to calm myself down. If it was worse I don't know what I would do. No one would hear me, that just freaks me out thinking about it. What am I doing why did I agree to go and meet James. After all he did I swear I have brain damage.

I quickly stand up from my fetal position on the floor and fix myself up before heading back out.

"Ryder" Luke yells engulfing me in a hug kind of knocking the wind out of me.

"Hi Luke" I say laughing hugging him back. "I was just upstairs" I say pointing to the stairs that I just came from.

"Oh really, for that long?" He chuckles pulling back making me glare at him.

"Ya know I get distracted on my phone" I say laughing, but he doesn't laugh his face just drops. And I'm left confused a su find myself more than usual.

"Uhm let's get back with the guys yeah" I say after our awkward silence.

He just nods with a frown still on his face as we headed back to where the guys were.

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