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(Read authors note at the end thxx)

Luke's pov

"When the phone call finally ends, say I'll call you tomorrow at ten. And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again" I sang striking lightly on my guitar before writing down the lyrics I just came up with. This song is almost complete and I'm really proud of it. I mean its kind of hard for me express my feelings so I'm findgung that song writing is the easiest way.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" My door suddenly slamming open with a crazy Michael yelling running through it towards me.

"Holy shit you scared me!" I exclaim clutching into my guitar.

"Luke shut up, but guess what I just did?" He asks literally bouncing.

"What?" I ask seeing guitar down looking back up at him.

"I got us a gig at the Annandale Hotel next Friday!" Michael exclaims shaking my shoulders back and forth. It doesn't quiet register in my mind right away, but when it does holy crap I'm smiling like a dork.

"Fuck michael how did you manage that?" I question now standing up so happy and excited just all these happy emotions.

"I've got my ways" Michael tells me with a smirk.

"Shut up" I say punching his arm making him chuckle. " we have to tell the guys and Ryder like holy penguins!" I exclaim running to my phone dialing people.

"You calling Ryder first?" Mikey asks with a knowing face.

"N-no" I stutter anticipating for Ryder to indeed pick up.

"Your so whipped dude" mikey says sitting down on my bed shaking his head.

"I am not!" I yell glaring at him.

He just rolls his eyes and suddenly I hear rustling and laughing I instantly know its Ryder's laugh. She has the mist contagious laugh so when I hear I can't help but laugh a tiny bit.

"Hiiiiii Lukkkeeyyyy" she yells into the phone dragging out her words.

"Hi Ryder" I say making us both laugh.

"I'm here to" I hear another voice I think its Rosalie. "Nobody cares" I hear Ryder says laughing after.

"Hi Luke, its Rose" I was right.

"Hi Rose how are you?" I ask

"Tell Rose I said hi!" Michael tells me still laying on my bed playing something on his DS probably Pokémon. I decide to put my phone on speaker so mikey can hear to.

"Mikey says hi to" I tell her

"Hi Michael" she says Ryder and her still laughing.

"Ok, ok so what up?" Ryder questions trying to calm herself.

"Well the michael and I have something really important to tell you and everyone else" I start smiling rubbing my lip with my finger.

"Annndd that is?" Ryder and Rose ask at the same time. "Wow, that was cool" I hear ryder say in amazement then a high fiving noise. I really don't know why I like her this much?

Ok yes I finally admit it I like Ryder. Like like like her, but will I ever tell her. Probably not.

"Haha well I can't tell you over the phone so meet at my house in like ten minuets" I inform her.

"O's kays, bye Luke see you then" Ryder says hanging up. I instantly let out a sigh smiling like a complete idiot again.

"When the phone call finally ends, say I'll call you tomorrow at ten. And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again" Michael reads and I now just notice that he's reading the lyrics I just wrote a little bit ago.

"Uh ya um the songs almost done we could probably preform it at the gig" I say nerviously stuttering on some words.

"So um this song in general doesn't have to do with a certain black haired girl named Ryder Marie Daniels. Who happens to be your best friend, also my partner in crime, who also you happen to be madly in love with." Michael questions raising a brow at me.

"Um no" I say bluntly but nervously

"Ok, I'll let this go. For now but I'm watching you Hemmings" Michael says backing out of my room pointing his two fingers at himself then at me. Ok he's spending too much time with Ryder.

"Oh and don't forget to call the guys" he says poping his head back into my room then leaving again, I just shake mine.


"Ok so we have gathered you all here today to telling you so thing amazing" I start out. Mikey and I are standing in my living room in front of everyone who's all on the couch.

"Just sayin I got this for us so..." Mikey buts in making me glare at him.

"Anyways" I say looking back at everyone we have a gig next feiday" I say stopping to see there reaction "at the Annandale hotel" I quickly add the smile appearing on my face.

"Holy shit that's amazing!" Ashton jumps up exclaiming.

"How'd you manage that?" Calum asks excitement in his voice.

"I've got my ways" Mikey says like he did earlier to me again with a smirk.

"What are we waiting for let's go out and celebrate!" Rose exclaims now joining us.

"Yeah let's go" Calum says as they start to walk towards the door.

"She's defiantly your cousin" Ashton says laughing a bit shaking his head. Maybe he likes her. I don't know I'm not good at reading people.

The guys all head out and I'm left here with ryder who's been quiet this while time which is strange.

She stands up and I'm biting my lip nervously I don't know what she's going to say. Why am I so nervous its just Ryder.

But before I could ask her anything I'm engulfed in a hug from her. I instantly wrap my arms around her putting my head down on hers. Which I find myself doing every time I hug her.

"I'm so proud of you" she mumbles into my chest but I heard her loud and clear, that's all I needed to hear to make me smile.

She pulls away all too soon though. God why can't I just tell her how I feel.

Because she probably doesn't feel the same.

"Come on let's go, before they start thinking things" ryder says laughing a bit grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my house to where the others are at.

Hiii so hope ur enjoying this so far. Ik I am like I love this book rn and I can't wait for future chapters. Bc its gonna be crazy and amazing and ya.

Anyways some things may be differnt like ya its set back to when they were back in Australia and weren't big yet, and I'm obviously going to change something's around its a fanfic not real. Just my imagination. So some real events but not really in the order. Ok we all gucci.

But thx for all the reads love yinz

I Dedicate This Song To You >>L.H<<Where stories live. Discover now