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*I mean I was going to put a normal pic of Luke and Ashton but. THERE SOOO CUTE LIKE OMFG

OK bye lol*

Luke's pov

"You want anything?" I ask Ashton opening my fridge to find something to eat its been a good eight hours since I've last had something to eat.

"Nah I'm good, my mum made Rose and I breakfast" Ashton informs me causing me to narrow my eyes at him, confused.

"Huh?" I ask

"Rose kind of uh spent the night last night" Ashton says stuttering coughing uncomfortably.

Still I'm confused, until I put two and two together. Who Ryder was talking to on the phone was Rose. Rose spent the night at Ashton's. Someone got their dick sucked, and I'm pretty sure Rose doesn't have one. So that could only mean one thing...

"Rose gave you head" I blurted out instantly covering my mouth with my hands Ashton's eyes widening with horror realizing what I just said.

"How did you know that!?" He shouted not really angry just shocked.

"Uh just a wild guess" I say turning back to looking for something to eat, squeezing my eyes shut hoping Ash doesn't keep pushing it.

"Luke you suck at lying" Ashton says his girly laugh ringing through my ears. "Lemme guess Rose called Ryder and Ryder being the blabber mouth she is told you" Ash asks sending me a 'I know I'm right' look.

"Hey don't call her that" I say defending Ryder, I mean even if she does let some things slip.

"Anyways Ry didn't exactly tell me, kind of just over heard her on the phone. Then you guys showed up" I tell him getting a glass of orange juice deciding on Vegemite and toast I'm too lazy to cook anything else.

"What was Ryder doing here so early?" Ashton asks quirking a brow at me

"She slept over like Rose did, but we didn't do anything" I say making sure he knows that we didn't. Which we really didn't just kissed and became something I've wanted for so long.

"Sure bought that. I mean Ryder was in your t shirt a mark on her neck..." Ash trails off smirking

"How did you even see that?" I question, confused as how he saw the hockey I gave her. She was literally down stairs infornt of him for like a minuet if that.

"I'm just very observant" he states still with that dumb lop sided grin on his face.

"And annoying" I add trying to just drop this whole conversation completely.

Ash was about to speak before we heard a door slam and pounding against the steps.

"LUCUS ROBERT HEMMINGS!" Rose shouted walking into the kitchen, more like stomping.

"Yes?" I say confused yet again.

"Care to explain?" She question quirking an eyebrow at me. I looked over at Ryder who was just completely done with the situation.

"Explain what?" I ask dumbly even though I know exactly what she's talking about.

"Um this" she exclaims pointing to Ryder's neck where a very notable purple mark was.

"Its called a hicky Rsoe" Ashton says making Rsoe glare at him.

"I'm not fucking dumb" she exclaims rolling her eyes. This is the quiestest I've seen Ryder in a while.

"I'm asking how? What? When? Who more importantly?" She says shooting Ryder a look her eyes widening.

"It was from Blondie over here" she says pointing to me I shake my head giving her a 'what the fuck' look. I've been called many names but never Blondie and I sure as hell don't like it.

"God you sound like your asking me if he's the baby daddy" Ryder says sighing putting her head down on the counter still standing up. I couldn't help but glance at her butt. I mean can you blame me.

"I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Rsoe yelled potuing like a child.

"Luke and I are dating, he gave me a hicky and we made out last night ya happy now?!" Ryder exclaimed making us all go silent. Ashton and I had the same expression like we didn't know if Ryder was actually mad or not.

"Oh my god. Yes I knew it. I called it Michael owes me twenty bucks" Rose exclaimed

"Way to go Luke, it only took what six years?" Ash says trying not to laugh.

"Haha so funny" I say rolling my eyes.

"Awe I'm so happy my two best friends dating" she says hugging us both to her.

"What about you and Ashton's eventful night. Hmm?" Ryder questions

I just high fived Ash as the girls stared intensively at each other bickering.

Ryder's pov

"I wanna know details. From start to begining" Rose tells me as we sit down on Luke's couch as him and Ash were somewhere else in the house.

"I mean it wasn't very eventful" I say chuckling. It really wants if you think about it.

"Anyone ever tell you your a bad liar?" She asks tilting her head.

"Um actually I've been told I'm the greatest liar ever, so yeah bye" I say flipping my hair and rolling my eyes, looking back over at Rose who gave me the dirtiest look ever. We both burst out laughing at our stupidness.

God I hate myself sometimes lol.

"Ok basically after I fought that bitch which reminds me I really need to ask Mikey about. I walked away and was all upset because I basically ruined the guys might, and I know Luke says he doesn't but I know secretly he does" I say rambling

"Ok going off track here" Rose says laughing lightly.

"Sorry, and just bout what happened that he didn't see of the fight. Also about random stuff then we just kissed. It was really nice" I say the last part with a big grin rembering Luke's lips soon mine. The feeling it made me feel I felt complete.

"He also told me there song was about me" I say that part a but lower.

"Heartbreak girl, yeah I know" Rose says bluntly ruffling her hair a bit.

"How did you know, did Ash tell you?" I question

"Nah its just so obvious. I mean the lyrics "stuck in the friend zone" "I'm right here when you gonna realize that I'm cure". Come on Ry I thought you were smarter than that?" She questioned

"Guess not" I mumbled under my breath

O hey hi whts gucci mofos. Lol. But thx so much for the reads it means a lot and absolutely am in love wit how this book is turning out. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love yinz💕

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