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Ryder's pov

As I entered my house I shut the door a little harder than I intended.

"Ryder, that you?" My mom asks as she walks to were I'm at.

"Who else would it be?" I ask with a little attitude. I'm not as mad as before but still a little pissed.

"I don't know could of been a robber" she says rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh, well give me all your money or I'll shoot!" I say a bit louder holding up my fake gun made out of my fingers.

"Oh no please don't take my daughter instead" she fake acts scared.

"Wow mom really you would give me up to robbers to save your life. Thought we were cool man?" I say acting hurt trying not to laugh at myself.

"Let's be real here Ry" my mom says handing me a cup of coffee as we enter the kitchen. "They would bring you back in five minuets" she says rolling her eyes trying to hide her growing smile behind her coffee mug.

"And why is that?" I ask giving her a look, even though I know the answer.

"Hun seriously, you would just start talking about a band, then you'll eventually end up talking about your animals what you want in life. Basically you talk and don't stop." She giggles at her words.

"True" I say shaking my head knowing she's right. I don't know I like talking guess I don't really notice it.

"Some um care to explain why you stormed out of Liz's house?" My mom asks setting down her mug before biting into a cookie.

"How'd you know I "stormed" out of their house?" I question putting air quotes on stormed, because ei didn't storm out I simply walked out angrily.

"Actually I didn't, but now I know you did" she says with a sly smile.

"Fuck, I hate it when you do that" I say putting my face in my hands letting out a loud groan.

"I'm your mom I'm suppose to" my mom says laughing at me I join in to.

"But talk Missy. What happened? Mikey kick your ass again in Call of Duty?" She questions with a smirk knowing I hate that being brought up.

"No he didn't that was a one time thing, and I wasn't even that mad" I say defending myself.

"Ryder please, you didn't talk to him for two days until y'all finally played again and you win" she says laughing louder than last time. I couldn't help but join in her laugh was contagious like mine, that I've been told.

"But on a serious note, what really happened?" My mom question suddenly turning serious. Guess thats one of the many things we have in common. We can have fun and joke but know when to be serious.

"Well-" I begin but am quickly cut off by my mom.

"Did you yell at Luke. Ryder why you know he takes things like that seriously. Go apologize right now, I'm locking you out till you do and making sure Liz knows about this" my mom says pushing me towards the door.

"Yo mom chill" I say stopping her from locking my ass out, becasue believe me she will, and her and Liz are like best friends. Sisters I would say so she'll be the same as my mom. Maybe just not as extreme.

"I don't do anything to Luke" I lie "its about James" I tell her, her demeanor changing.

"Oh that asshole, what he do now" my mom says in a snarky easy walking back to kitchen, leaning against the sink as I took a seat at one the island chairs.

"We sort of got into a fight" I tell her not really caring that she called him an asshole, I mean back then yeah, but now I know he is. And imma let her say something that's one hundred percent true.

"About she presses" I tell my mom everything well accept what James does to me. I honestly hate lying in general, so lying to my mom its ten times worst.

"He heard some rumours that I was sleeping with one of his friends but I wasn't, I don't even know his friends" I say

"That's stupid he's stupid, I don't like him" my mom says hopefully she bought it and isn't just blowing off.

"Yeah I know you hate him everyone does" I say rolling my eyes. I hear thus everyday with all my friends not so much Cal, Ash, and mikey but my mom and Luke. I'm surprised the whole world doesn't know how much they hate James, they say it so often.

"And you would much rather em date Luke right?" I ask wiggling my eyes brows knowing that she love sthe topic of Luke Hemmings.

"For sure, he's so much nicer and actually has a future, he's way cuter too and he would actually know how to treat you right. And he already has my blessing in marrying you" my mom rambles, I quietly make my way up to my room u hurry up and close my door before hearing my mom yell.

"Ugh RYDER your such a bitch" she says laughing.

"Love you to ma" I saying laughing as well

"Love you sweety" she says not as loud with a little laugh still.

That's why I love having a young mom we can joke and call each other names and be totally ok with it. And for her being thirty two she really is a good mom she's really all I've had.

I walk over to my bed with a smile before going in my phone then hitting the twitter app.

@AshtonIrwin: had a great day, these songs sure coming along :)

@Calum_Hood: I wonder what it would be like if my friends & and I lived together. O god nvm

@LukeHemmo: I wish that you could realize what I'm trying to show, but you don't.

@Mikey_is_a_badass: @LukeHemmo is so stupid with his inspirational shit. Lol

@Ryderxo: my friends have no life

Hit the send button laughing to myself over how weird my friends are, hut I love them. I decide to go and change into some pajamas and tying my hair into a loose messy broad before jumping back into my bed that I've missed so much.

Then my phone started to buzz, and my bliss happiness was but short.

It was James.

Hiii soooo wht do yinz think so far comment also vote. Ilysm <3

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