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Luke's pov

I knew it I fucking knew it. What I mean is I knew Ryder was going to go see that dick James just didn't want to believe it. Well maybe shes not. She's hienstly not that good at seeking out no matter how good she says she is. She really thought I would fall for a pillow being her. I'm jot that stupid, ya I cuddled back up to it because it was cold without her actually being there.

I kept still as u heard her live around the room probably putting different clothes and shoes on. I wait till I hear my bedroom door close before springing up and waking up Michael.

"Mikey" I whisper yell close to his ear trying not to wake the others.

"Ugh shut the fuck up Luke" Mikey groaned not opening his eyes, swinging his arm at me like I'm an alarm clock.

"Michael please, it's Ryder" I say practically begging him

"What, what's going on!" He asks now sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"I think she went to see James" I say looking at him my eyes widening at the fear if what could be happening to her right now. Images of what she told me he did to her last time flash through my head.

"Mikey like we have to leave now" I say a bit more frantic throwing on a shirt and pants then my shoes, as Mikey did the same. Damn these guys can sleep.

After we got dressed I grabbed my car keys and headed out with mikey right behind me.

"So why do we have to go and spy on Ryder?" Michael asked as we pulled dout of the driveway. You can clearly tell he's half asleep, as for me I'm wide awake.

I almost slapped Michael for not knowing, but then I remember I'm the only one that knows. I mean it feel's good that I'm the only one Ryder has told. But I have to tell Mikey. So that's what I do.

"She's going to see James" I tell him butubg my lip, I honestly hate the guy so much, just the mention if his name gets me fired up.

"Well that is her boyfriend" he says letting out a yawn

"Ya but-. Look Mikey you can't tell anyone this. Like I shouldn't even be telling you this so you have to promise. " I say glancing at him quickly before putting my gaze back on the road.

"Of course dude, I mean can't be that bad" he says "right?"

Oh your in for a shocker.

I told Michael everything, well everything I knew. From all the names he's called her to hitting her. To the time I had to come and get her because he basically threw her out. Up until now and why we are going after her. I can't stand the thought of something happening to her and I could be there to stop it.

"Holy shit, ok I'm going to fucking kill him" Michael says after my long rant clearly more awake now.

"I've been saying that since she started sating him" I mumble more to myself but I guess Michael heard.

"You really like her don't you?" He asks not in a joking way, not trying to get me irritated he genuinely asked.

"Yeah you could say" I respond not helping the big smile that take over my face. It kind if just happens whenever Ryder is brought up.

"Dude, sloe the car down there she is!" Michael exclaims pointing to Ryder herself walking alone, in the dark, in not the best part of town. God I could just kill James right now for making her walk all the way here.

"She's probably scared out of her mind" I say rubbing a hand through my hair. Michael just looks over at me confused.

"You know how paranoid she gets" I tell him realization now covering his face.

After what felt like forever finally we were in front of James house, Ryder just entering.

"So what now?" Mikey asks as I turn off the car.

"Um let's just go up and see if we can hear anything" I tell him getting out of the car. In all honesty I didn't have any clue as to what to do at this point. Hell I didn't even plan on following her.

Michael and I then slowly crept up to his window were we could clearly see two people who I assume is Ryder and James.

"Ahh fuck my head" Michael yelled causing me to instantly to hit him not really paying attention to were and it ended up being in the balls.

"Ugh fuck" he groaned now on his knees holding himself.

" I swear to go if they hear us I'm killing you" I whisper yell holding my hand over his mouth

"Well sorry who puts a birds house there anyway" he complains standing up slowly.

"Uh normal people" I say in a dah tone looking over at the little tree where the bird house hangs.

"Fuck off" his says rolling his eyes.

I was about to say a snarky comment but I was interrupted by things banging and a scream. Ryder. I instantly went into panic mode and darted towards the door my eyes widening my adrenaline pumping.

I can hear Michael yelling behind me, but there was no time to explain I had to get in there and now.

I twisted the knob praying to god it would be open, but of course its locked.

"Fuck!" I scream hitting my palms off the door.

"Michael help me!" I yell as he stumbles over to me. I know he's probably confused, but there's no time to explain. So when he comes over and helps try and open the door and doesn't ask questions I'm greatful.

"RYDER OPEN UP" I scream hoping she would be able to. I was starting to panic and getting anxious. I don't know what's going on behind that door.

No response "RYDER" I yell louder pounding on the door Michael doing the same.

"HELP" I knew that was Ryder. I instantly stopped pounding on the door and it felt like everything froze. I couldn't fathom what could be happening to her. All of the worst thoughts were sworming through my mind.

"Luke come on we have to get in there!" Michael yelled hitting my arm to bring me out of my trance. I quickly shook my head before we both started throwing our bodies up against the door trying to break it down.

Finally I heard a cracking then it finally opened, and what I saw was something I knew I could never erase from my mind. I didn't even have time to pull a face of horror before launching myself towards James tackling him, throwing punch after punch.

"Mikey get Ryder!" I yelled before a punch was thrown knocking me off of James, but only monetarily. I finally got back to into controlled throwing another and another punch. I stopped after his multiple cries to stop.

"If you ever cone put a hand in her or come near any of us ever again, I swear to god!" I seethed before throwing another punch his tooth grazing over my already torn up knuckles.

"Ha you don't need to worry, I'm done with that dumb bitch" he laughed evily. It made my blood boil, so I threw one last lunch causing him to be knocked out.

My main focus was on Ryder and if she was ok. Because if she's not then I'm not.

Hiiiiii idk wht to say bc I write these in advance so idk how y'all r liking the book. Hopefully u r idk comment. Also vote bc y not lol. Love yinz

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