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Ryder's pov

"I like the summer rain, I like the sound you make. We put the world away. We get so disconnected"

I hear Luke's voice, why can't I open my eyes though? I enat to so badly.

For one I don't like the dark, and I also like to know my surroundings. What if I'm still at James. Wait wait, am I dead?

"Ryder?" Luke says

Luke can you like open my eyes for me?

He sighs loudly before speaking" I know you may or may not be able yo hear me I don't know how these things work" he starts taking my hand. Fuck yes I'm not dead.

'Just know that I know you'll be ok, I'm here we all are. We'll protect you. I'll protect you, he will never cone near you again if its the last thing he does" Luke exclaims I hear him start to sniffel. He's crying, fuck open your eyes bitch.

"Luke" I choke out before coughing uncontrollably but regretting it feeling as neck has just got a house dropped in it.

"Ryder oh my god, your up!" Luke exclaims taking me in for a hug but he being so gentle. "Hold on I'll get you water" he tells me before leaving the room.

Once he leaves I decide to go and inspect what's wrong with my neck. I get off of Luke's bed and head to his bathroom.

Holy shut I can barley walk back back is as stiff as a board

I'm horrified at what I see in the mirror. Big lines of purple bruising cover my neck on both sides. What the hell happened all I can remember is James and I yelling then that girl him hitting me. Then Luke cane in and it just went black from there.

"I'm back! Ryder?" Luke called

"Bathroom" I whimpered out my throat scratchy.

"Here's your water" he says handing me a glass with a smile. I'm so lucky to have him as my best friend.

"Thanks" I say taking a sip instantly feeling refreshed.

Without hesitation I set the glass down and launch myself into luoes arms wrapping mine around his neck. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist burring his head into my neck causing me to do the same. And then cane the tears.

"Shh shh don't cry" Luke coos rubbing my back. I just cry harder

"Please stop your going to make me cry" he says with a little laugh. Causing me to, to but of course it hurt.

"Can you crack my back?" I question

"Of course" he responds spinning me around so my back was against his front. I crossed my arms against my chat before Luke wrapped his arms around them lifting me up my back instantly cracking loudly.

"Ew" Luke says scrunching up his face, making me laugh he does that every time he cracks my back.

"Holy shit, thanks" I say as he set me back down. It honestly helped a lot.

We walked back to his bed before sitting down me sitting up against the head board and him sitting in front of me.

"So the guys all know" I blurt out. I don't know why that was my first question but it was.

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