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(Yes hello so I put a live version bc there playing live in the book. Idk I wanted it to feel kind of realistic, also I just picked a random live event when they sing that song. Also there is violence as u can tell from the gif and bad language. So the norm, also I love this episode of Gypsy Sisters like Mellie is)

Ryder's pov

"Hello everyone" a man said u to the mic calming all the voices in the place.

"So tonight we have anew band, here is 5 seconds of summer!" I guy yelled into the mic everyone clapping and cheering. Of course Rose and I were the loudest.

"Hi were five seconds of summer" Michael says into the mic low cheers filled the room. I mean no one knew them expect Rose and I, but I could see they were all smiling even from that little appreciation.

"This is our first gig and first time playing these songs so I hope you all enjoy" Calum says looking down at his bass to make sure everything was all ok.

"I'm nervous, why the fuck am I nervous. I'm not the one up on stage" say randomly kind of freaking out to Rose.

"Woah calm down, you'll be fine they will be fine. It's a win win situation" she tells me smiling. I guess it kind of made me feel better. I took a deep breath before looking back on stage and see Luke smiling at me. So I smile back making his dimples even more noticeable. He's so adorable.

"This first song we wrote a while back its called Gotta Get Out" Ash says before he starts drumming.

I knew this song by heart so of course iw as singing along as the boys did. Of course I got weird glances from girls around us, but like I cared these were my friends and iw as supporting them.

"Um excuse me, can you like not sing you sound like a dieing cow" a tall skinny blonde says to me.

"Um no its a free country I can sing if I want, so fuck off" I exclaim giving her a look of I don't care what you do with your life just shut up. Rose tried to hold back her laugh but failed making me smile as well, turning my attention back to watching the guys. Again is as fretted with Luke's bright blue eyes and his amazing smile.

"Who do you think you are?" The blonde butch asks trying to sound intimidating, but holy shit was her voice annoying.

"Someone who's not dressed like their going to a strip club" I retort looking over the girls outfit. She just scoffed her friend now going behind her.

"At least I don't look like a raccoon" she retorted giggling like a hyena with her friend.

"Really that was your com back?" I question shaking my head. "At least call me a bitch or something. Because raccoon is the worst insult you could ever say to someone" I say Rose and I now laughing way too hard.

I Dedicate This Song To You >>L.H<<Where stories live. Discover now