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Ryder's pov

"You're cousin is coming today" my mom says as we are all still half asleep sitting around my kitchen.

"Which one" I ask yawning leaning my head on Luke.

"Diamond, she'll be here for two weeks so please don't ignore her" my mom pleads.

"She's the only cousin I like of course I won't ignore her" I say to her in disbelief.

"Good, well I have to go get food she'll probably be here before I get back so just make her feel at home" my mom informs me grabbing her purse.

"Gotchu" I say finally slipping off Luke's shoulder and falling onto the counter.

"Ok I'll be back. Love you" she says kissing my for head.

"Love you Luke" she says kissing his forehead

"Love you Mikey" kiss to the forehead

"Love you Ash" kiss to the forehead

"Love you Rose" kiss to the for head

"Love you Calum" oh guess what she did kiss to the for head shocker.

"Bye kids" she yells finally leaving.

"I love your mom" Calum says laughing holding his head up with his hand his eyes still closed.

"Guys we gotta wake up, half of us didn't even drink. Why are we so tired?" Rose questions standing up and going over to the coffee maker.

"Well Calum and I are hungover and its like nine in the morning so we have a reason" Mikey mumbles with his head down in his arms on the table.

"Luke's feet were cold last night and they kept touching me. That's what kept me up" I say laughing, twisting myself; cracking my back.

"What does your cousin look like" Rose asks taking a sip of her coffee.

"One can you make me a cup and two I guess kind of like me. Same hair color kind of the same personality. " I say typing away on my phone to find her Instagram.

"Here" I say handing Rose my phone as she handed me my cup of coffee.

"This is your cousin?" She asks shocked

"Yeah" she's pretty isn't she. I say taking back my phone.

"Do you guys see this" Rose exclaims taking back my phone showing the others the picture of my cousin.

"Do you guys see this" Rose exclaims taking back my phone showing the others the picture of my cousin

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"She's gotten hotter since she was twelve" Cal says

"Holy shit why hasn't she visited before?" Michael asks looking at me.

"Because she lives in America" I say bluntly because that is honestly the main reason why we don't see a lot of the family. And my mom was always scared of the slit possibility of my dad or any of his old gang friends would find us.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and everyone stops talking.

"Oh my god she's here Michael exclaims all of a sudden more awake

"I really don't wanna get the door" I whisper to Luke looking up at him.

"Mikey might scare her away" he says as we look back to his not so hungover friend anymore.

"Good point" I say getting off the island stool and walking to the door.

"Oh my god Ryder!" Diamond exclaims embracing me in a hug.

"Hi Diamond, oh my god I missed you so much" I exclaim hugging her back before pulling away.

"Same Australia is very confusing by the way" she says as we walk more into the house.

"Yeha I feel ya" I agree making us laugh.

"My moms out right now but she'll be back soon" I tell her and she nods.

"Anyways I don't know if you remember any of them but this is Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Rose" I say pointing to all of them saying their names. "Friends this my cousin Diamond" I say waving my hand to Diamond.

"Hi guys" she says waving her hand.

She gets a course of hi's and hey's from my weird friends.

"We were at a party last night" I inform her of why we are all so sluggish.

"Oh I see" she says

"I really love your outfit, and your so pretty. Have you ever thought of modeling?" Rose asks.

"Do you do that to everyone?" I question leaning back on Luke's chest.

"No I just may or may not need new friends at work" Rose says walking over and sitting on Ashton's lap pouting.

We all laugh lightly at Roses reaction.

"Thanks though and to answer your question I have done some modeling but nothing big" Diamond explains.

"She's the star of the family" I say laughing making her roll her eyes.

"By the way I don't think we are doing anything tonight so you can just set your stuff down and take a seat and join in our conversation" I say as she takes a seat next to Michael. His cheeks heating up.

"He's weird" I whisper to Luke not taking my eyes off the whatever is blooming between Diamond's and Michaels conversation.

"He's in love" Luke whispers back rolling his eyes for dramatic effect.

"You can't fall in love with with someone the first time you lay eyes on them" I state as a matter of faculty crossing my arms over my chest.

"I did" Luke says barley, I'm surprised I even heard it. I don't think I was ment to because Luke immediately started talking to Calum.

Hello so this is like the shortest chapter ever I'm srry I wanted to give y'all an update so here. So u got to meet a new character and yes I imagine Andrea Russett as "Diamond" love yinz💕

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