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Ryder's pov

"So what were y'all doing before I scared y'all shitless" I say before grabbing something to drink from the fridge they have down stairs.

"Nothing going over a new song Luke wrote" Claim says casually.

"Can I hear it?" I question. I love listening to them play new songs. They are all so talented I hope one day they make their dreams come true.

"Sur-" Ash is cut off

"No!" Luke yells a bit loud.

"And why is that?" I question with a little giggle

"Because its not finished" he says a bit too quickly.

"Fine whatever you say" I sing song before getting up and heading up the steps. As I'm walking I hear the guys teasing Luke. Again I find myself shaking my head rolling eyes.

"The boys too much for you?" Liz asks with a worm smile cutting some vegetables.

If she only knew

"Nah just need to get some air" I say with a smile before walking out to there back yard.

I've always came here when I was upset, bored, or just wanted to see Luke. We would always hang out in his back yard. I would always sit on the stone wall they have out here. Luke doesn't really come out here as much as he use to. Ever since the band formed, but I'm ok with it. For the last year I've been occupied. Who knows what's going to happen between James and I now. Thinking about it now I feel terrible. Not only for basically letting James treat me like a toy, but from straying away from the boys especially Luke. Now that he knows that James hits me I feel completely stupid.

"Hey" a voice says. I know its Luke.

"Hi" I say bluntly not turning around from facing out to the now setting sun. It got late really quickly.

"What are you doing out here?" He questions as he's now standing next to me. I'm finally the same height as him. Granted I'm sitting on a stone wall.

"Reminiscing old times" I say with a cheeky smile finally looking at him.

"Miss those days" he says looking at me.

"Looks like we are recreating them now" I say looking back into the sun setting.

"Yeah" he let's out a little laugh "guess so"

Our moment of nice silence was cut short when my phone starting going off. I pulling it out of my pocket and look at the ID. Of course its James.

"Who is it?" Luke as curiously with a little hint of concern in his voice.

Luke's pov

"Who is it?" I question, praying to god that's it not James. But who am I kidding no one else calls her except me, one of the guys, her mom or fucking James. I can't stand him especially what he did to Ryder.

"Its uh James" fucking knew it

"Don't answer it" I quickly say. I don't want her to go back to that jerk she calls her "boyfriend".

"I can't just not answer, he'll be pissed" she states before hopping off the wall and walking more into the yard, pressing the phone to her ear.

I wish she would just listen to me sometimes, but over the years of being friends with her I've come to realize. Its Ryder's way of the high way.

As I watch her pass back and forth her head hung low. I can only imagine the words that are being exchanged between them.

She's probably holding back so much. I know she's strong, but it seems as soon as James enters the picture she shuts down.

"I'm not your fucking girlfriend, you fucking hit me, stop telling what to do and leave me alone!" I finally hear Ryder yell. Knew she was going to burst any second.

"Go ahead threaten me, I don't care!" She yells again. Crap I just want to go over there right now and yell at him, but I know Ryder would be pissed. This is her battle if she needs help she'll ask. Which will never happen. One of the many things I like about her, how she so independent she can hadel herself.

"Fuck you!" One last yell before she's throwing her phone across the yard.

"Hey calm down" I say as I walk over to her. Ryder doesn't usually get mad easily but when she does there's no stopping her rage.

"Just don't Luke, please" she begs as she stars pacing again tugging at her hair.

I don't take what she said to heart I know she doesn't mean it to be mean, she's just fired up. Its best for me to just let her let her anger out.

"Ugh I can't stand him, he's just so irritating!" She yells kicking the fence. Its honestly amusing to me watch her kick things. She's so petit and yeah, ugh stop I need to focus on calming her down.

"Please calm down, he's not worth it" I try to coax her again taking a step towards her.

"Its not that simple" she tells me in a whisper her head hung low. I can tell she wants to cry.

"Yes it is just dump him, he'll find someone else" say getting a bit annoyed. If he does find someone new I feel bad for them.

"I can't do that can't you see!" She yells at me like its that obvious, but its not to me.

"I can't just leave him he knows too much he'll find me, do unthinkable things Luke, he's crazy" she explains to me.

"Tell your mum, she can have legal things done so he can't do anything!" I exclaim just despritly trying to get her to stay away from him.

"I could never tell her, Luke are you crazy. Please please just don't tell her" she pleads. I don't take the things and how she's saying them to me to heart. I open my mouth to speak to tell her she can do this. She has all of us to protect her she has me, but I'm interrupted by the sound of the back door opening.

"You guys alright?" Michael questions first stepping outside.

"Yeah we heard yelling" calum adds with the others nodding.

"Yeah, were fine" Ryder says looking at me the. Turning away heading to where the guys are. I just turn to watch her as she brushes past them and heading into the house, before I hear another door slam. My front door.

I groan rather loudly with frustration before bringing both hands up to my hair pulling on it hard.

"Mate what happened?" Ashton is the first to ask coming to my aid you could say.

"Nothing just her fucking boyfriend" I growl lowly.

"Woah must've been serious he swore, you never swear" Calum pints out. The guys giggle a bit I smile a little but not much.

"She'll come around don't worry about it" Ash reassures me before helping me up and patting me on the back.

"Now let's go finish writing that song, yeah?" He questions as we enter back into my house.

Hey guys how u likin it so far. Ik kinda boring sorry but care wit me its only the beginning so much shit is gonna go down. Love y'all vote and comment

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