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Heyyy so I wasn't gonna update but I feel like I should idk. But Merry Christmas Eve or Merry Christmas whenever ur reading this also happy birthday Louis. Like holy shit ur 24 . Anyways love y'all and hope u enjoy

Ryder's pov

"Oh hey mom, do you not have work today?" I ask seeing her in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Yeah, I have a lot of vacation time since I've been working so many hours." She says smiling. "And nice to see you Luke honey" she days with an even bigger smile taking him into a hug. All the guys are basically like her sons, but even though she won't admit it Luke's her favorite.

"Nice to see you to Jane" he says huggun her back before pulling away and sitting next to me on the bar stool of the island.

"So what are your plan me madre?" I ask spinning in my seat because I'm literally twelve.

"Just going to run some errands, maybe hang out with Liz" she informs us as she places some pancakes onto Luke and I's plate.

"What are your plans Ry?" She asks going back to leaning against the counter sipping on her coffee.

"Probably hang out with the guys maybe take a nap I don't know" I say casually not looking up, but stuffing my face with pancakes.

"Actually your plans sweety will be cleaning up your hell hole of a room." She says pursing her lips giving me a "ya I know what you did to your room last night" look.

"Right" I say kind of slow. Knowing I'm probably not going to clean it because I hate cleaning.

"I'll even let you have your friends help you" she says going and grabbing her keys and purse probably about to leave.

"Have you met them, they are worst then me" I say jnieubg it comoletly true.

"Hey, I'm not that bad. My room is spotless!" Luke defends himself. Making my mom chuckel a bit.

"And that's because Liz cleans your room" I say knowing yet again I'm a hundred percent right.

"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes making my mom and I laugh.

"Ok well I'm leaving, don't do stupid shit. Really I mean don't let Michael touch the stove" she says causing me to almost spit my orange juice out on Luke.

"Bye mom" I say after finish down my orange juice.

"Your moms not wrong" Luke states as he stabs his fork into another piece of his pancake.

"He's my partner in crime" I say laughing. Its true even though I'm closest to Luke Michael is the one I get into trouble with.

"And what am I chop liver?" He asks acting like he's hurt.

I don't say anything back just smack his hand so his pieces if pancake fly off his fork.

I quickly cover my mouth muffeling my laughter because of Luke's face.

"My pancake" he starts to fake cry.

Now I'm on the floor laughing as I slowly fall out of my chair clutching my stomach, tears slowly coming to my eyes. They weren't sad tears either, tears of pure happiness.

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