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**u r welcome in advanced for the fetus 5sos cover**

Ryder's pov

"Hi Liz" Rose and I both say walking over and hugging her as we enter her house.

"Hi girls" she says hugging us back. "The guys are still asleep" she informs us making us roll our eyes.

"Of course they are" I say laughing a little.

"Also Liz" I say getting her attention from cooking "Rose likes Ashton, so try and get them togther" is at quickly before running away. I hear Rose running after me and liz laughing. I'm now laughing to I look behind me to see Rsoe basically right behind me and as I turn back around I run into something hard. Well more like someone. It sent me backwards also with Rsoe running behind me she couldn't stop so she ran into the back of me. Basically it was like a Domini effect and Take and I were both in the ground.

"Ow" I say laughing.

"Do you have metal in your head or something?" Rose asks holding her chin I guess that's what hit my head.

"You guys alright" Ashton's asks his accent ringing through our ears.

"Yeah" I say getting up and helping an all a sudden shy Rosalie up.

"Why are you up?" I question

"You guys are really loud you know?" He says laughing making us laugh as well.

"Sorry Rose was about to kill me because I told Liz that's she li-" I was cut off by a hand over my face.

"That I like sausage and I don't, for dinner" Rose tries to cover it up. I instantly burst out laughing even with her hand over my mouth. Damn I have such a dirty mind.

"Well ok I'm going to get a shower see you guys after" Ash tells us walking upstairs.

Rose finally takes her hand off of my mouth walking away to the basement door where the others are at.

"Oh my ha you just ha basically haha" I say with a laugh in between every word.

"Ahh you basically told Ashton you don't like dick" I finally say wiping a tear from under my eye. That's how hard I was laughing.

"What the fuck?" I hear Luke, Michael, and Calum all aks in confusion. I instantly burst out into laughter again this time falling on the floor I'm pretty sure if I keep laughing I'm going to pee my pants or my lungs are going to burst.

"I'm so lost" Calum says going back under the covers.

"Ryder calm down" Luke tells me laughing as well, bending down to where I was on the ground.

"Rose, is there something you need to tell me?" Michael questions looking scared as fuck.

I just continue to laugh really hard, oh my god I have never laughed this hard, everyone else trying there hardest not to laugh with me. Luke then scooped me up in his arms so he was carrying me bridal style as is as still dying of laughter, bring me to the couch.

"Oh my god no. Just Ryder took something completely the wrong way" Rose exclaims running her hands through her hair.

"What did you say" Calum asks poking his head out for under the covers causing me to stop laughing momentarily giving him a dirty look. He did it right back which caused me to go back into my more quiet fit of laughter.

"We ran I to Ashton like literally and... and" I could tell Rsoe didn't want to say it but at the same time she did. I remember her telling me last night that she's scared of what Michael would say, and also if Ashton knew and he didn't like her back that it would be awkward.

"Do you just want me to say it" I ask her my laughing stopping this is a serious situation. I can be serious, to a certain extant.

"Please" Rose grumbles throwing herself on the other couch they have down here.

"Ok so basically Rose likes Ashton I told Liz to start trying to get them together instead of Luke and I. Then I ran away ran into Ashton. Literally. Then I almost told him that she liked him she covered my mouth and said "that I like sausage, which I don't for dinner"" I say smiling at the end looking around at them all, all having different expressions.

"Awe that's so cute you and Ash would look good togther" Calum gushes again making me give him a dirty look causing me start laughing again.

"Chill with the laughing" Luke tells me wrapping his arm around my neck pulling me down so my head was resting on his lap. This honestly didn't help just made me laugh more which made like laugh. So in the end he just covered my mouth with his hand.

"Wait wait you like Ashton?" Michael asks finally.

"Uh yeah" Rose says kind of scared I mean Michael isn't very intimidating he's like a kitten.

"Well he's better than Calum" Michael says letting out a sigh sitting down next to Luke.

"Hey!" Calum exclaimed with a hurt expression obviously joking.

I was still gigiling uncontrollably with Luke's hand still on my mouth. Like the longer I sat here the more it became funnier.

"What's so funny" Luke whispers to me.
I just shrug my shoulder making him giggle.

"So how long have you liked Ash" Calum asks Rose still tucked tightly in his blankets.

"I don't know a while, but once I moved to America I kind of lost the feeling but seeing and hanging out with him made that old feeling come back. " she tells us with a smile.

"Well now he thinks you don't like dick sooo" I say moving Luke's hand before it was quickly putted back over my mouth.

"Ok that is pretty funny" Michael says as the room was filled with laughter.

"So what did I miss?" Ashton asks coming back into the room making us all go silent.

"Rose likes dick just sayin" Michael says before Rose literally whips a pillow at his face causing him to fall off the couch.

"Ok then" Ashton says kind of confused as I was still laying here laughing again even though it sounds like I'm being suffocated due to Luke's hand.

"We ready to do this cover or what?" Calum asks finally getting up.

"Yeah just lemme get my guitar" Michael says.

"Are you going to let me go?" I ask but I came out more like "Are you going to milk a goat"

"Yes, only if you stop laughing" Luke threatens me playfully.

I stick out my pinky waiting for Luke to wrap his around mine, which he does.

"What song are y'all doing?" I ask sitting up since they are now all seated in front of the computer ready to sing.

"Year 3000" Ashton tells me sitting down on his thing he drums on.

"Oooo that sounds cool, you guys don't care if we stay and watch right?" Rose asks.

"Of course not" Ashton says smiling at her making her cheeks instantly turn a shade of pink.

"Awe love is in the air" I say in a dramatic tone.

"Shut up" Rose says pushing me a bit making us giggle. We stop when we hear the gutairs start playing, and I'm taken to another place when Luke starts signing.

Hellloooo from the other siideee. Ok srry I'm a little out of it. But anyways hope y'all r likin the book so far. Vote and comment love yinz

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