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(Gif is of Rosalie as Lily Collins)

Ryder's pov

"Have you ever thought about modeling" Rose asks as we are currently in my room. She's looking around as I'm being the unsociable person I am on my computer. I invited rose to sleepover, because the guys were sleeping over Luke's and I actually like this girl and didn't want her to be alone. 

"Ha funny" I say looking through potential guitars to get like for his birthday that's in a month.

"I'm serious your really pretty" she says coming over and sitting on my bed.

"Don't you have to be like six foot tall to be a model?" I question scanning over the page.

"Well yeah not really six foot but kind of tall." She tells me even though I kind of already knew this.

"Well I'm like 5'2 and not pretty so that ideas out the door" I say laughing. I always make fun of myself I guess if I do it to myself and accept the fact that when people do it to me it won't bother me as much. I don't know guess I have a sick sense of humor.

"Shut up your gorgeous and what about being an actress?" She asks. I mean ya I know she's just trying to be nice but please stop.

"I don't know" I grumble kind of to myself running my hand through my nest of hair.

"I could help, I have connections" she says smiling finally making me look up at her.

"Thanks, maybe" I tell her smiling making her smile even more. I mean I probably will never ask for her help but if it makes her happy that I'm taking it into consideration then why not.

"Sow hat are you looking up?" She questions moving herself so she could now see the computer screen.

"Uh just looking at guitars for Luke's birthday" I inform her with a smile.

"Awe that's so cute" she gushes. "I like that one" she says pointing to the exact one I enacted to get Luke.

"That's the one I want to get him" I inform her "but its way to expensive, maybe next year when I have more money saved up" I say sighing closing my laptop.

"I could help, I mean I have more money than I know what to do with" Rose tells me.

"Oh no no, I could not take your money" I quickly protest. I don't even like taking a dollar from the guys and I've known them forever, I barley know her so for sure I'm not going to take her money.

"I'm sorry" she says with a frown and her head down.

"Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything" I say shaking my head.

"I feel like I'm just bombarding you" she admits I mean she asks a lot of questions but I don't mind. "I just don't really have a lot of friends. The modeling industry is full of fakes. So I never know who to trust" she informs me, I feel bad for her.

"Hey its ok, I'm your friend, and your not bombarding me so don't worry" I say giving her a sincere smile which she returns.

"Thanks Ryder, you honestly are my only friend even if I just met you a couple hours ago" she says making us both laugh.

"Same here" I tell as we both hug.

"Oh did I interrupt something" I hear my mom as she now standing in my doorway.

"Uh no, but guess what I have friend now that's a girl. You happy now mom" I tell her sarcastically

"Yes of course" my mom exclaims coming over and sitting with Rosalie and I.

"Thanks for having me Miss. Greene, lovely home" Rose tells my mom making her light up. My mom loves complements, oiek she snot one to go out of her way for someone to complement her, but I guess only having me around for so long you miss having someone new to complement something.

"Thank you so much Rosalie, lovely name to" my mom gushes. Again I feel irrelevant, but you know I'm ok with it.

"Thank you" Rose says back and then that awkward silence is set soon us.

"So how long are you staying?" I question realizing I haven't asked.

"Um I really don't know. I guess as long as I want or until my manager calls me and I have to go back to the states." She informs us, nodding in understanding.

"I miss America" I say randomly.

"You should come with me when I go back like a little vacation" Rosalie exclaims.

"Really you would want me to come with you?" I question

"Of course, it would be so much fun, and who knows maybe your new career of being an actress will happen" she exclaims smiling so widely.

"Actress?" my mom questions giving me a confused look.

"I never said it she did" I say quickly pointing to Rose.

"I have connections, so only the best for her, and I mean she certainly has topnotch acting skills seeing as she "acts" like she doesn't like Mr. Hemmings" Rose tells my mom with a sly smirk.

"Liz told me about how you can see it to, see Ry we aren't crazy" my mom says.

"Ugh I don't like Luke we are friends" I say trying to make it clear. I wish my mom knew about my situation and what I've gone through in the last couple weeks. With James hitting me and almost killing me. Maybe things would be different and she would understand why it's hard for me to probably ever like a guy again.

"Whatever you say" they both coo at the same time making them both laugh. I couldn't help but laugh a little as well.

"Well what about you, bet you like one of the guys as well" I say a mater of faculty.

"What makes you say that?" Rose questions her cheeks instantly reddening.

"Uh mom what do you think, Calum or Ashton?" I question looking at Rose as I'm trying to figure out what guys she likes.

"Hmm I think Ashton" mom says

"Oh my god same" I exclaim high fiving my mom.

"Oh shut up" Rose complaint burning her head in her hands.

We all start laughing at our weirdness. The rest if the night consisted of Rose, my mom, and I sitting up in my room and gossiping about the guys really. I guess my mom was right. Its nice to have a friend who's a girl.

Hi I guys so this chapter was kind of boring srry I just felt like I should tell a little more about Rosalie. Also hope u guys don't get confused bc I do refer to Rosalie as "Rose" as well so ya. Vote comment love y'all

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