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Ryder's pov

Walking down the street not really knowing where I'm going honestly feels horrible. I hate myself right now I ruined everything. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke doesn't talk to me ever again I ruined his big night same with the other guys.

Finally lettung my anger out I lunch the closest thing to me which happen to me the wall of the building bi instantly regretted it feeling the blood already pouring out of my knuckles. I just wanted to scream curl up and die.

But what I really wanted was Luke to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok.

"Ryder" Luke's voice rings through my ears. Almost as if he knew I needed him right now.

"Luke" I yell running towards him wrapping my arms around him burying my face unto his neck. Him doing the same it just how we hug, we can't hug without it being a full on hug.

"Look I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't want to fight her. I tried so hard I let her pull my hair but she slapped me and I just couldn't take it anymore. Because you know how I am I can only let someone go so far before I snap. And I'm sorry I know I ruined y'alls night this was supposed to be special and now I rui-" Luke cut me off putting his large hand over my mouth.

"Ryder its ok, you didn't ruin anything" Luke says pulling his hand away a small smile tugging up on his lips.

"Yes I did I fought someone at y'alls first gig. Like what kind of friend does that" I exclaim running a hand through my hair tears threatening to spill out at any second.

"Come in let's go home" Luke says pulling out the keys to his car.

"What about the others?" I question as his hand intertwine with mine leading to where his car is. I couldn't help the heat rising to my cheeks. I blame my adrenaline, it couldn't be from the small show of affection from Luke, could it?

Do I like my best friend?

Nah, not possible.

"They can all go in the car you guys came in" Luke says opening the passenger door for me. I muttered a 'thank you' all of a sudden kind of shy. Confused as to why I'm having all these thoughts about Luke and these confusing actions of mine. I just don't know I'm so stressed out I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"My house?" Luke asks biting on his lip. I just nodded seeing his nervous habit. At least I'm not the only one nervous.

Wait can he feel my nervousness and is now nervous of what I'm thinking?

What the fuck am I saying, he can't fel my emotions, so why is he nervous?

Thankfully the awkward car ride was short and in no time we were at Luke's house.

"Mom?!" Luke shouts as we walk into his house. No answer.

"Guess she's still at my aunts" Luke says as we head up to his room. My heart rate increasing. Why though I've been to Luke's room probably more than my own. God this night is so fucked up.

I sat on Luke's bed with a huff falling back onto his bed letting out a sigh in the feeling of how good it felt to lay down.

"So what exactly happened again?" Luke questions sitting next to me but not paying down.

"This girl said shit, accused me of trying to get with Michael, I don't even know her or even if Michael know her. Anyways I went outside with Rose to wait for y'all she was out there pulled my hair thretned me and then I snapped, and I guess you saw the ending" I say with a chuckle finally meeting Luke's gaze as he had a small smile to.

"Your crazy" Luke says rubbing his tired eyes.

"Ya I know" I say knowing its true always have since I was a child. " I never got to tell you this but you did amazing, best concert I've ever been to" I say looking right at him.

"Really we actually did good?" He questioned

"Beyond good words can't even describe how good y'all are" I say making sure it sticks in Luke's mind he's really good at what he loves to do.

"Thank" he says shyly looking down at his hands, sitting up I can see his smile on his face.

"That new song was amazing, my new favorite" I say putting my head on his shoulder.

"You liked it?" He questioned turning back to me.

"Loved it, who wrote it?" I questioned

"I-i did" Luke stuttered the words coming out in a whisper. He put his head down his cheeks turning bright pink.

"Hey" I say taking ny hand and turning his chin towards me "You dont have to be embarrassed by it, it's an amazing song" I say with a reassuring smile. I hate how insecure Luke is sometimes, I wish he could just see that he's amazing.

"Thanks Ryder, I don't know what I would do if you weren't my friend" he says slightly frowning.

"Be with Michael twenty four-seven" I say sarcastically making him laugh. Finally.

"So if you don't mind me asking?" I start off shifting into a more comfortable position. "Who's the song about?" I question raising a brow.

"Uh no one, just nothing" Luke stutters badly, god help this poor boy.

"Dude you can't just write a bomb ass song about a girl who doesn't know that her perfect guy is right in front of her?" I state in disbelief.

Luke just looks at me biting his lower lip, now I'm confused why is he just looking at me. Do I have blood from that bitch on me or something.

"Your wearing the necklace I got you" Luke exclaimed standing up now where I am taking the locket into his hand.

"Yeah, thought it was the prefect occasion" I say smiling looking up at him, now seeing how close we are to each other.

My breath hitching in my throat from the way he's looking at me, I'm just so lost. My feelings are confusing me even more, considering how nervous I am being this close to Luke.

My hands are sweating, what the hell my hands have never sweated when I was around a guy I liked.

"Ryder" Luke said causing me to look up at him.

And without any warning his lips were on my mine.

Luke was kissing me, my best friend was kissing me, and I was kissing him back.

Luke broke away from the kiss all too soon to whisper close to my lips "the song was about you" before reconnecting our lips.

And in that moment I realized, I liked my best friend, and I was also a dumbfuck for not realizing the song was about me.

OMG IK FINALLY U HAVE WAITED 20 CHAPTERS AND ITS FINALLY HRRE THEY KISS. I hoped y'all liked it bc I really liked this chapter idk it was cute. Also this book is also ment to be numerous. So I mean gotta add some humor Una serious moment.

Thx for the reads tell ur friends vote, comment love yinz

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