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Ryder's pov

Walking through my front door I could hear my mom talking to someone on the phone. Kind of shouting actually. Luke and I looked at each other confused before heading farther into my house. We got to the kitchen where my mom was starring out the sliding glass door that go out to our backyard, her hand clunge tightly to her hair the other to the phone.

"Mom" I said but not too loud, just enough to get her attention.

She turned around and went wide eyed before quickly hanging up with whoever was on the phone. Not even saying bye.

"Ry, Luke" my mom acknowledges us.

"Mom what's going on?" I question getting straight to the point.

"Oh um there's something I need to tell you, an-and I've should o-of done it a long t-ime ago" she stuttered as she started to cry. I've enevr seen my mom cry even when her grandma died she was just emotionless kind of just there. So seeing her cry right now in front of me confused me and scared me.

"Mom" I said walking around the island to the other side where she stood and took her into a hug.

"I just love you so much" she sobbed. I just hugged her tighter.

"I love you mom, but you have to tell me what's going on" I say pulling back to look at her. She just shook her head as Luke handed her some tissues. He's perfect.

"So you know how your dad left when you were ten right?" she starts off. I was taken back at first considering we never and I mean never talk about my dad. I never really understood why but never questions dit seeing how upset my mom got when he was brought up. Which was once in a blue moon.

"Uh ya. What about him?" I question. I felt Luke's hand lace with mine behind the island.

"Well umm before I tell you why don't I tall y'all a little back story. Yeah?" My mom asked wiping the last of her tears. Luke and I nodded. I was lost and beyond confused.

My mom cleared her throat taking in a shaky breath. "So when I was fourteen I met your dad in eighth grade. We started dating all the way till we were sophomores. I was sixteen when I was pregnant with you. Which you know" she says and I nod. One thing she always told me was that she wouldn't be disappointed if I got pregnant at a young age. But she would help me the way she never was.

"At first your dad's as so happy, we thought we knew everything and we were going to runaway and live happily ever after. " she says smiling at the memory. I couldn't help but look at Luke show as already looking at me with a smile.

"But then uh he got into drugs and alcohol, it changed him so much. He would say that you weren't his that I was just another whore." She says shaking her head. I couldn't help but feel for her. One she's my mom and two I know how it feels.

"Then he started to mentally abuse me saying that I was going to die when I give birth to you. Or that I should just off myself before your even able to grow" she cried. I felt tears prick at my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall taking in deep breaths.

"Damnit he tried to kill you!" She yelled finally bursting back into tears. "Before you were even born. It was a week before you were delivered. He tried cutting open my stomach. Beat me pretty badly before trying so it would be easier. But god so help me was I going to let him touch you" she said now angry. I just wanted to tell her I know how you feel. James beat the shit out of me too.

"He ran after aunt Cassy walked in by all the screaming." She paused letting it all sink in. "I didn't see him for a good year."

"Then one day he showed up randomly at my doorstep, a new man. I didn't even recognize him he looked back to his old self before the drugs and alcohol became a part of him." She said smiling. Its fascinating how my mom mood changes just remembering everything that happens between them.

"I was so fucking dumb to let him back into our lives" she said ashamed of herlsef.

"But he was a great father. Sure we fought but he never laid a hand on me, again" I retort confused. I've never encountered this demon my mom is describing. Only James.

"Because in the years from when you were two to ten he was the man I fell in love with. But that last year he switched back to the man who tried to kill you and me" she says not even crying anymore just pure anger.

"He hit me a couple times and he almost did things to you but I took the blame for you. I would never let him lay a hand on you, because you are my world" my mom says sternly so I know.

"Your aunt finally talked to me and I got the courage to leave, I only know he got arrested for a DUI and other fines he hasn't paid, that's why it was so easy for us to move. And that's how we ended up here. Six years later" She says running a hand through her curly blonde hair

"Why are you telling me this" I say confused

"Because I love you, and- and your dad is out of jail" she chocked covering her mouth with her hand lettingnout cries. My kotluth instantly fell open. I didn't know how to feel or what to do. I was just frozen.

"I want you be careful. I know he's in America right now. But once he realizes that we aren't there anymore he'll come looking for us. He always knew my fascination with Australia." She informs me.

"Mom he won't find us" is at trying to treasure her. More like treasure myself.

"Oh hunny" she whines walking over to me her arms outstretched. "I don't ever want anything bad like that to happen to you" and instant wave of guilt flooded over me.

It already has

"Please tell me if a man ever puts his hands on you" she pleads holding me at arms length I nodded.

I wanted to, but I defiantly can't now.

"Please take of her and just watch her. Luke, I know you guys are just friends but please. I love her too much to loose her" my mom pleaded to Luke I turned my head away and let a couple tears fall wiping them away with my sleeve.

"I promise Jane. I'm always going to be here for her" Luke says which makes my heart flutter.

Hiiii so this was a really sad chapter. Well I don't know about y'all but for me it was 😂😂. Anyways vote and comment. Love yinz💕

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