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(*HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALUM let's all take a moment and let it sink in that Calum is 20. I rember watching them in YouTube when he like 15-16 now he's fricken 20 I just can't deal.* also anyone else kind of confused wit Conchobar Tomlinson I literally thought it was a new candy bar. I'm srry 😂😂😂 but I mean its cool yo have fun telling ppl how to spell that later on in life)


"You never told me he forced you to do stuff" Luke finally admits

"Well I didn't think it was important" I say. Oh my god that was the worst excuse I have ever said I'm stupid like fuck my life.

"Not important, are you serious!" Luke shouts. Looking at me bewildered. I was speechless.

"He forced you to do things Ryder! Do you know how that makes me feel? Knowing that your being treated like shit and I'm just sitting here doing nothing!" Luke shouts again looking at me with wide eyes searching my face.

"The reason I don't tell you is because I don't want you to worry" I say back. Its true I hate the feeling of someone constantly worrying about my wellbeing.

"Well you not telling me makes me worry more" he yells again running his hands aggressively through is hair that not up in a prefect quiff anymore from how many times he's ran his fingers through it.

"Why do you care so much?" I question lowering my voice causing him to completely stop pacing.

"I get your my best friend but so are the other guys, but why do you care this much?" I question getting off the bed walking towards him.

"B-becasue I-"


Ryder's pov

Why does my life seem like a never ending drama can I go one day without being confused as fuck? Or irritated as fuck?

"Luke?" I question since I see that he's just staring at me biting his lip, nervous habit.

"I care because I care" he finally says. But I can tell it wasn't what he wanted to say. I know Luke I can read him like an open book. What isn't he telling me? And what can't he just tell me?

"I get that, but why so much" I push crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ryder its nothing ok, the situation is about you and what we are going to do about James" Luke says quickly dodging the question.

"What I'm gonna do is never talk to him again and he probably won't bother me. Its done and over with. So why can't you just answer my question?" I'm on the verge now of spazing out on Luke for being so stubborn.

"Because its not important" he tells me mocking me by crossing his arms over his chest.

"Not important really um well it scares me to know that you aren't telling me something. Sound familiar?" I question in a bitchy tone. I know this isn't really the situation to be a bitch but I just couldn't help it.

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