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Ryder's pov

Its been a almost two weeks since the while insident happened with James. And it seems like my life has finally gotten back on track. There is no drams between the guys and I and seems that night has brought Luke and I even closer. Yeah he has been acting a but strange but I mean he's a guy so who knows.

Currently we were all at Mikey's well in his garage where the guys practice and everything. And to be honest I really don't know why I'm here, and I don't think the guys know either because they aren't practicing or whatever.

"So why are we here?" Calum asks what I've been asking myself.

"Because my cousins are coming over and I haven't seen them for like three years" Michael explains making us all groan or roll our eyes.

"Why do we have to be here then?" I ask confused.

"Because I don't want to be alone, and have be awkward" he says kind in a pouty kid tone.

Again I roll my eyes chuckeoing to myself. I don't know why um just in one of those moods that if Nat's stop smiling or laughing.

"What's so funny?" Luke asks smiling at me as the others are occupied in their own conversation.

"I don't know" I say truly meaning it again I laugh making Luke laugh with me.

"Sometimes Ryder I worry about you" he tells me butting his lip.

I stop laughing and just looked at him for a second, before speaking.

"Have you ever thought of getting your lip pierced?" I question poking his oip with my finger making him smile even more.

"Uh no, that involves needles" Luke exclaims with wide eyes. "I'll leave the piercings to you and Michael" he says.

"MICHAEL" Michaels mom yells causing us all to be quiet.

"Ugh there here, please some with me?" He asks us all.

As we walk to were they are at Luke decides to hug me from behind resting his head on mine because of how short I am. I mean this is normal hugging each other, and I absolutely love hugs from behind so why not.

"Oh my god Michael" a girl yells running to Michael with open arms. She's absolutely gorgeous and looks our age maybe older.

"Hi Rose" Michael says not as enthusiastically but still hugged her back.

"Guys this is my cousin Rosalie, Rosalie you know the guys, and this is Ryder" Michael tells her as we all say hi back and wave politely. (Pronounced Rose- a- lie, pretty self explanatory)

"Dude you didn't tell us it was your hot cousin" Calum whispers but we still all heard it.

"Shut up" Michael says scrunching up his face making us all laugh.

"Why don't you kids go hang out somewhere? Show Rose around town Mikey" his mom tells him

"Whatever, come on let's go" Michael says rolling his eyes.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we all walk out of his house.

"Your house or Luke's I'm really not up for walking around" he tells us. I just chuckle and roll my eyes. The guys were all walking in a line in front of Rosalie and I so I took this as a time to get to know her.

"So your from America?" She asks me, guess she had the same idea as me.

"Yeah I moved here about six years ago" I say smiling thinking back to that day. I met my best friend that day.

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