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8 years later

Ryder's pov

"I got your picture I'm coming with you. Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle, and I'm the pen!" I shouted as I danced around my room swaying my hips side to side as my head went with it looking for something to wear, I was about to head out to my oh so lovely boyfriends house.

"When the lights go up I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm. The way you wrap-" my signing was cut off by someone else joining in with me

"Those boys around your finger!" my best friend Luke sang causing me to jump a bit but then laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned turning down the music walking over to where he was crawling through my window.

"You know I come through your window at random." he chuckles now standing his full height in front of me.

"Anyone ever tell you that your like nine foot tall?" I questioned looking up at his blue eyes. Knowing that me asking that will piss him off.

"Yes you ask me every fucking day" he exclaims throwing himself on my bed his legs dangling off the edge.

I just laughed causing Luke to laugh as well. I grab a old black sweatshirt that had the monster symbol on it throwing it over my tank top already having my light blue skinny jeans on. Considering it was getting colder out now.

"What are you getting ready for?" Luke asked messing with my dog Nahla who I just now noticed was in my room.

"Going to hang out with James" I said kind of whispering knowing that Luke did not like James that much. Scratch that he hated James.

Luke stayed silent as I looked at his direction. His fists were clenched, and he had a look on his face of anger. Luke never got angery, he was too much of sweet heart to ever begin to be angery.

I quietly turned back in my seat of my vanity to start my makeup even thought this awkward silence was killing me. Because I literally couldn't sit still for more than 5 minuets. So not talking for a long period time basically killed me.

"Why are you putting on makeup? Your only going to see James. It not like he'll take you out anywhere" Luke scoffed. Ouch that last part hurt. Ya it's true James barley ever takes me out in the past year of us dating I would say, 2 dates. He's taken me on, but I love him so him taking me out doesn't bother me that much he doesn't need to take me out to show that he loves me.

"James doesn't like it when I don't have makeup on" I say even quieter than before. Applying my mascara.

"WHAT?!' Luke exclaimed standing up now complete shock on his face. Yeah he didn't really know about James' "rules".

"He just prefers me if I have it on" I say starting to feel really lowly about myself. Not the bubbly giggily person that can't stop doing something person I am.

"That's crazy, how can a guy tell a girl, girlfriend or not that they NEED to wear makeup?!" Luke shouted now pacing back and forth in my room running a hand through his quiffed hair frustratedly. He's been wearing his hair up a lot lately, instead of rocking his fringe that he 'loved' so much.

I just shrugged my shoulders not really knowing how to answer.

"If I was him I would tell you screw that makeup. Actually no, scew the makeup!" He yelled frustratedly.

I couldn't help but crack a smile at his weirdness. Luke always was able to do this to me no matter what mood I was in.

"Your beautiful without it. If you would actually listen to me you would never touch a thing of makeup again, and I would take you out on so many dates. We would practically travel the world to how many places I would take you!" He exclaimed again just this time not as loud.

"Well thank you Luke, and your my best friend so your suppose to say that" I chuckled a bit at my own words of course he would say that.

"I'm being serious" he says looking at me like I'm stupid.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his long torso burying my face into his shirt.

"Thanks Luke" I say as he brought his arms around my shoulders. Resting his head on top of mine.

"Your truly my best friend" I say sighing knowing at least I have him.

"Yeah, best friend" Luke says sighing as well. Well what could that mean.

Luke's pov

After my little rant about how disrespectful James is, I left Ryder's house mainly because James was blowing up her phone so she had to leave. Right know I was on my way over to Michael's house for band practice. Maybe this is what I need to glcpear my head.

Two hours later and a mixture of pure doneness and pizza, I still couldn't focus. I kept messing up the chords I was suppose to play, or forget the lyrics. It was just horrible and I felt bad for the boys. We've been working really hard lately, and I just feel like I'm letting them down. I just couldn't stop thinking
of Ryder, and what she said.

"Luke what's wrong? You seem off?" Calum asked taking a drink of whatever he was drinking.

"Nothing just having an off day" I say not meeting anyone of there gazes knowing that I'm a horrible liar and will crack in a heart beat.

"Something to do with Ryder?" Michael asked taking a bite of pizza. This caused me to snap my head up at him and the rest of the boys. They all had a look of I don't even know. But what the hell Michael, since when could you read minds? I thought to myself.

"Actually I can't read minds, I just know that eveytime your upset it has something to do with Ryder or Molly, but mostly Ryder" Michael tells me the others nodding. Damn it I said that out loud.

"But that would be so fucking cool to read minds!" Michal exclaims chuckling at the thought.

"Michael don't fucking swear!" Ashton butted in.

We all laughed, but soon quieted down.

"So I'm that easy to read?" I ask biting my bottom lip.

"Yup" they all say in unison. Well way to be blunt about it guys.

"So tell us mate, what is it this time with your secret love Ryder Marie?" Ashton asks leaning back against the couch ready to hear my rant about Ryder.

I told them everything, from how I got angry that she was going to hang out with him, then how he never took her out, to the makeup, then I basically told her I would be a better boyfriend than James. To the very end when she said thanks for being my best friend.

"Mate, looks like you've been friend zoned" Calum says after a brief silence.

"I haven't been friend zoned we have always been just friends" I say a bit quicker than I should of.

"Mate we all know that you like her" Michael butted in.

"No I don't" I lied

**Author's Note**

Hii again so how y'all liking it so far. Comment bc I wanna know bc I have no life haha.

Thx gain for the reads I live u all.

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