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*Fair warning somewhat graphic language. Idk just sayin I don't feel like getting yelled at for not warning y'all, anyways carry on my loves*

Ryder's pov

Waking up I felt a pressure on me, and was confused at first. I blinked a couple times before rubbing my eyes. My vision clearing up to see a pile of blonde hair on my chest.

I laughed lowly before brushing my hands through Luke's soft hair. I don't know how I've went all these years just being friends with him.

"It's not nice to stare" I hear Luke says pulling me out of my daydream.

"Sorry, I just have such a hot boyfriend its hard to take my eyes off of him" I say sarcsticlaly leaning down and kissing his cheek.

"Isn't the guy suppose to say that?" He questions moving his head up still on my chest but now able to meet my eyes.

"Isn't the girl suppose to be cuddeldd up to the guy" I question making Luke look down at how he's cuddling me.

"How did we get like this?" He asks confused chuckling lightly.

"I don't know last thing I remember I was on top of you" I say Luke unraveling himself from me, but pulling me down so I was resting on this chest now.

"I can't believe I can call you my girlfriend" he admits shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why would you say that?" I question pulling back and looking at him confused.

"I thought I was stuck in the friend zone forever, especially when you were with James" Luke says his face twisting into disgust in the mention of James.

"Well you have me now, and your stuck with me" I say reassuring him peacking his lips.

Our moment was cut short from my phone ringing annoyingly loud, might just sound louder because we just woke up.

"Ugh shut it up, its too early" Luke complained burring his head down into my neck making me laugh.

I reached over to the side table where my phone was picking it up seeing it was Rose that was calling me.

"Hello" I asked an uninvited yawn escaping my mouth, Luke giggling his head still in my neck. I just flicked his ear causing him to yell.

"Good morning, but holy crap do I have to tell you something, and I don't think it can wait till in person" she says a bit louder.

"What is it?' I ask taking in a sharp bretah at the contact of Luke's lips on my neck. I looked down at him with a confused look and he just smiled a cheeky grin. Since when was Luke all confident and sexual, you could say. Maybe he always has and I'm now just noticing it.

"Ok so you have to promise not to tell anyone" she says strenly

"Of course I won't I have no friends" I say leaning into Luke's kiss on my neck. Yeah there defiantly gonna be a mark, but do I care, no.

"Ok so I don't really know what happened last night but after you left with Luke Michael and Calum left as well leaving just Ash and I. So we went back to his house and then we started kissing and the making out and I woke in the same bed as him!" She exclaims huffing with the last part.

"You fucked Ashton!?" I exclaimed in disbelief instantly sitting up causing Luke to be even more confused than I am.

"Wait who fucked Ashton?" He asked confused as I stood up pacing around holding up my hand for him to shut up.

"Oh no, we just slept in the same bed but we did other things" she says her voice trailing off.

"Oh my god did you suck his dick?" I question yet excitedly. I have no idea why I'm just a curious person hate me judge me.

"Ry shut up" Rose complains I can practically see the smile on her face her cheeks turning the color of her name.

"So you did" I say crossing one arm over my chest stopping my pacing. A goofy grin on my face. As Luke just sat there basically giving up in trying to figure out what it is we are talking about.

"Ugh I'll explain more just open the door" she states before the line went dead.

I pulled my phone away looking at it in confusion by what she ment by open the door, and before Luke could even speak a pounding echoed through the house.

I started walking out of Luke's room hearing him join behind me still confused, probably too confused to even ask questions.

I hopped off the last step laughing at myself I have no clue why.

"Your such a child" Luke says lowly shaking his head laughing lightly.

I just roll my eyes before opening the door to see a very uncomfortable Rosalie and an as usual giddy Ahston.

"Hey man. Did you just wake up or something?" Ashton asks walking into the house now by Luke.

"Basically" Luke tells him ruffeling up his already messy hair.

"Ok well I'm stealing Ryder" Rose states grabbing my hand dragging me towards the stairs. "Do not come up here" she states firmly pointing a finger at them two.

Ashton just puts his hands up in surrender as Luke mutters "its my house" before walking away with Ash giggling behind him.

I was yanked from watching my mess of a boyfriend walk to the kitchen by Rose pulling me to Luke's room.

"Hey chill this is my good arm" I say laughing

"Shut up, I can't believe I sucked Ashton's dick, I can't believe his fingers were inside of me. What is life right now?" Rose questions pacing around the room. Too many people pace around in Luke's room, maybe the room just has that vibe that you have to pace.

I don't know.

"Wow, surprised y'all didn't fuck, I mean you did everything else" I say tying my long black hair up into a messy bun.

"We both wanted to even though we didn't say it. Like you know that vibe" she says looking at me, I understand strangely

"Then why didn't you?" I question kind of confused. "I mean you like him I'm pretty sure Ashton likes you because he doesn't do stuff like that with just a anyone, soooo" I say trailing off not really knowing how to end that stament.

"Because me and my virgin body was scared" she sighs in defeat before quickly pouting and throwing herself on Luke's bed burying her face into a pillow.

"Awe Rose, its fine to be scared, and take my word its scary, but I find if you do it with someone you love and they love you back its amazing" I say rubbing her arm trying to comfort her.

"Really" she questions it coming out muffeled

"Really, if you're not ready to do it" I say chuckling at myself Rose as well "then don't tell him straight up, and in all honesty I'm sure Ashton would understand. He's not one to pressure someone" I say making her lift her head up with a bright smile.

"Ah I can't believe I have such a good best friend" she exclaims embracing me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her as well.

"Now" she says more serious pulling away.

"Is that Luke's shirt?" She questions smirking a big proud grin plastered in her face.

Hiiii guys so just wanted to ask if like later on if y'all would like smut. Like somewhat full on smut but not like too graphic idk comment. Live u guys so much thx for the reads. Comment and vote live yinz 💕

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