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Ryder's pov

Today is the day of the boys first gig, and I'm literally dieing. I'm so proud of them they work so hard for their dreams. I just hope this will be the first gig of many.

"What to wear? What to wear?" I question to myself scanning over my closet.

"I don't know about you but I feel cute as fuck" Rosalie exclaims looking g at herself in my full length mirror. She had on black skinny jeans with a blaoc shirt that the front was covered in studs, topping it off with black heels. But not those skinny high heels like a comfortable yet fashionable boot heel. Her shoulder length hair was in light curls with simple light makeup. God why can I be a model maybe I wouldn't look like I just got hit by a bus everytime I don't try to look nice.

"Your so pretty and your outfit is hands down beautiful" I tell her. Yehaa the outfit is simple but she makes it look like a thousand bucks.

"Awe thanks that so sweet, I don't usually get actual compliments. Just fake ones that they feel if they say will make me happy" she says shaking her head smiling, then rolling her eyes.

"And you want me to be an actress?" I question scoffing but not in a mean way.

"Modeling an acting are two completely different things, therefore different crowds. " she explains. She's really good with words.

"Whatever, all I know is I have an hour before we have to leave and I have no clue what to wear" I say stomping my foot like a child.

"Just wear what you normally do, but maybe spice it up a bit with a necklace or earrings" Rose explains holding up my favorite necklace.

"I mean Luke likes you in anything so" she says giggling.

"Haha" I say sarcastically grabbing the necklace from her and examining it. I haven't worn it in so long.

"Its lovely" I hear rose comment but I don't take my gaze off of the locket heart with the single Stine in the middle.

"Thanks, Luke got it for me" I say smiling opening it and seeing a picture of all of us then just a picture of Luke and I in the other side.

"That's honestly the cutest thing ever" she exclaims jumping over towards me. "Why don't you wear it?" She questions her excitement falling a bit.

"Um my ex he uh didn't like I wore stuff from other guys" I admit. I remember that day I felt so bad. I thought Luke and I's friendship was over. He was so sad that I didn't wear it one day, an so I came up with the stupidest excuse that I was stoo scared I would loose or break it. He eventually found out the rela reason why, and again was disappointed. But I assure him that I don't go a day with out at least touching it or acknowledging its existence. I honestly love the locket it means everything to me. Because in some weird way it kept Luke and I's friendship together. God I was so stupid for ever picking James over our friendship.

"Wells he's a douche" she says bluntly going back to fluffing up her hair.

"Tell me about it" I agree rolling my eyes.


Finally after countless outfits being picked out but being shut down I finally settled on light washed grey skinny jeans, a black tank top putting a leather jacket over it, and finishing it off with my black combat boots.

"Ok let's leave before we are late, I wnana wish them luck" Rose exclaims starting to rush around getting all of her stiff together ad I'm waiting for her.

"You mean to wish a certain Mr. Ashton Irwin good luck" I say making her roll her eyes.


"Ten bucks Luke will be staring at you during the whole concert" Rose says as we are now in my car on the way to the hotels which isn't that far.

I scoff "your on" I say shaking her hand keeping the other on the wheel.

"Wow there's actually a bunch of people here" I exclaim as we wlak in seeing at least fifty maybe sixty people. (Ik their first gig only 12 showed up but again this isn't real)

"I know right, bet the boys are frekain out" she says as we head backstage to were the boys told us to meet them.

"We have arrived" I say as I open the door to their room they had.

"Ryder" Luke exclaims running up and hugging me picking off the ground and couldn't help but laugh a bit.

When he puts me down I look over to see Ahston and Rose hugging but not like how she hugged the rest of the guys. They are going to date. It will happen I see it.

"Their going to date its going to happen" I say to Luke as they are off in their own little world having their own conversation. While the other two have their conversation.

"How do you know, can you see the future?" Luke questions crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, imma That's so Raven in this bitch." I state trying not to laugh but failing causing Luke to laugh as well.

"Why am I friends with you?" He questions obviously joking.

"Because I'm funny as fuck!" I say giggling. I swear if someone saw me who didn't know me would of probably thought I was drunk.

"Guys you're on in five" a guy pokes his head into the room then leaves.

"Holy shit I'm nervous" Calum says shaking out his nerves.

"Same this is the most people we have ever played to" Ashton says walking over to us with Rsoe next to him.

"Y'all will do great. I know you will I've heard you guys a million times" I say trying to build up their confidence.

"Thanks" they all say in unison, making us all laugh.

"Two minuets let's go!" The guy comes back sounding a bit irritated. Like fuck off.

"Come on guys" Michael says motioning for them all to follow him. I wish them good luck Rose walking out with them probably to find out seats out in the crowd.

"Your going to do great" I tell Luke straightening his shirt with a little laugh.

"Thanks, but I'm still really nervous" he admits with a shy smile.

"Just imagine that you playing to me. Like old times" I tell him looking up at his bright blue eyes smileing making him as well.

"I have faith in you" I say hugging him. As I pull away I kiss his cheek pink creeping up his cheeks almost immediately.

"I'll be in the crowd" I say smiling as I walk out.

Hiii guys hope u liked this. Kind of boring. A bit of Ryder and Luke moments lol. Also comment their ship name bc idk what it would be. Thx for all the reads tell ur friends vote and comment. Love yinz

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