Chapter 6: Kassidy's POV

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Kassidy's POV:

So, Taylor just told Shawn what we did and his face was priceless!!! He took off to the washroom I was assuming and I followed behind him trying to hold in my laughter. Shawn walked into the washroom, and I came in right after him.
He was checking out his face and he couldn't help but laugh at what we did.

"Haha very funny. Now help me get cleaned up." He said getting out a face cloth.

"Okay fine" I said laughing because I couldn't take him seriously.

I grabbed the face cloth out of his hand and leaned over the sink to wet the cloth. I put some soap on it then turned around to help Shawn wipe off his face and he was standing there in his underwear.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed.

"Well I got whipped cream down my pants and shirt and everything. It's in my underwear too but I can do that myself later." He explained.

"Okay, whatever I need you to sit on the bathtub though because I can't reach your face."

He said on the ledge of the bathtub and looked up at me waiting for me to clean his face.
It was really awkward how I was standing because I was like leaning down and it was uncomfortable but whatever. I heard movement in the hall and I turned my head to see Kayla walking into her room. Poor Kayla, stupid stupid Nash. Can't he see how big of a bitch Britney is and that Kayla obviously likes him?
Anyways, I went back to washing Shawn's face. It was taking awhile and it started to hurt my back.

"Here, sit down." Shawn said patting his lap. Clearly he could see how uncomfortable I was.

I followed his directions and sat down on his lap putting both my legs on either side of his waist, so my feet were in the tub. It was much easier to clean his face.
Once I was finished I kissed his nose then stood up. Shawn's face was a little red from scrubbing but he didn't seem to mind.

"Here, you need to shower you're all sticky." I said leaning of into the tub to adjust the water.

Once it seemed just good I stood up straight and turned around to get out so he could shower, then I noticed he was naked.

"What the hell Shawn? You should've waited until I got out!!" I yelled covering my eyes trying to find the door.

"Nothing you haven't seen before." he mumbled guiding me out of the washroom.

Once I knew I was in the hallway, I opened my eyes and turned around. Shawn had the door half closed so I could only see his head.

"You know you can join me if you'd like." He said smirking.

"Uhh no." I said walking into my room.

I turned on Friends and laid on my bed, waiting for Shawn.
About a half hour later Shawn walked in wearing basketball shorts and no shirt. I need an inhaler.
Without a word he came in and laid down beside me and curled up next to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and fell asleep.

A/N: I'm sorry about the names of the Chapters I can never think of one 😂😂 hahaa

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