Chapter 23: Sophie's POV

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Sophie's POV

   Today is the day I'm leaving, my plane leaves in three hours meaning I got to be there in two. I was only a mere fifteen minutes away so I had a little while to say goodbye and hang out with my friends for the last time, for awhile.

"Sophie come down I here!!" I heard Kassidy yell from downstairs, she can sure yell.

"Calm your shit I'm coming!" I screamed back at her.

   I threw on some pants since it was still early in the morning and I don't wear pants when I go to bed.
   I walk downstairs and see all my bags, along with a few unfamiliar bags. I walked into the living room about to ask about all the bags, when I see everyone rush up stairs, everyone except Cameron.

"What the hell?" I asked Cam.

"Uh there's something I've been meaning to say but I've never got the courage to do," he paused. "Sophie I love you, I've loved you ever since the moment I met you and there's no way I'm letting you leave by going to New York, without me. I don't care what you say I am coming with you."

   I didn't know what to say. I didn't know he felt the same way. I was so excited yet confused. 

"I-" I was about to respond when my train of thought trailed to Nash who was sneaking into the kitchen.

    Nash noticed my staring at him and quickly explained what the hell he was doing.

"Sorry, Kayla is getting cranky so I'm getting her food." Nash said quickly grabbing chips and took off thumping up the stairs.

"As I was saying, Cam that's very nice of you but you can't just leave your life here and drop everything." I said looking up at him.

"I'm coming and that's final. Let's go say goodbye to everyone and head to the airport." He was completely serious.

"You can come down guys!" Cam yelled up the stairs.

   They all came running down the stairs, tripping, falling, and on each others backs.
    Gosh, I love these guys. I'm gonna miss them.

(A/N: I know this is short but I don't feel good and how I met your mother keeps distracting me. I promise the next chapter will be longer, I hope.)

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