Chapter 58: Mallory's POV

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Mallory's POV

   Things with having Ted is going well. Hayes is such a big help.
   Ted sleeps through the night, although I don't. I'm up all night worried that something might happen to him.

"YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE LEAVE! I DONT GIVE A FUCK!" I heard Kassidy scream from her apartment.

    What the hell? Are her and Shawn fighting? I should go over and see what's going on, but I think Sophie should do it. They are best friends.
    I heard loud footsteps then a door slam.
   I waited a few minutes, sitting on the couch holding Ted, then I heard crying.
    I hated when people cried, it makes me cry.
    The crying became louder and soon turned to complete silence.

"Babe, you should go check on her." Hayes said, grabbing Ted from my arms and heading upstairs.

    I sighed, knowing I couldn't go see her without me crying so I quickly jogged up to Sophie's room.
    I lifted my hand up to the doorknob, turning it slowly. I wanted to make sure I didn't catch her in the middle of getting changed or anything.

"Hey.." I spoke quietly, seeing Sophie watching Netflix.

"What do you want?"

"Go check on Kassidy, something happened between her and Shawn."

    That was all I had to say before Sophie got up and left me alone in her room.
    I decided to go eavesdrop on their conversation, because why the hell not?
    I ran downstairs and put my ear to the wall, I heard Sophie come into her apartment.

"I said LEAVE!" Kassidy yelled, still crying.

"Hello.. It's me." I could barely make out Sophie's soft word.
(A/N: adele af)
    Than I couldn't hear a single thing besides Kassidy's loud sobs turning softer.

"He wants to have kids; and I'm just not ready." I heard Kassidy sigh. "Then that turned into a huge fight and he left... I don't know whether or not he will come back."

   Oh dear lord. I knew Shawn was gonna want kids soon, and Kassidy doesn't want them until she's older.
   I decided to head up stairs and see what Hayes is up to.
   I walked up the stairs, taking two at a time; I'm pretty tall so I'm able to do that. (A/N: WTF MALLORY IS SHORT LOLOL SORRY JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU TALL FOR ONCe HAHAH)

"What happened?" Hayes asked, placing Ted in his crib.

    I explained the whole thing to Hayes, and he looked pretty sad by the time I was finished.

"I knew that was gonna happen.." Hayes sighed, pulling me into bed with him.

"Yeah, I did too." I said, grabbing the remote.

"Let's watch Star Wars!" Hayes' eyes lit up.

"No! I wanna watch my show!" I whined like a little kid.

"Hhmph." Hayes crossed his arms, pretending to be upset.

"I wanna watch Pretty Little Liars; please." I looked up at Hayes, giving him a look that always makes him cave in.


    I smiled in satisfaction and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you." I mumbled, cuddling up closer to him.

"I love you too." Hayes smiled, pulling a blanket over us.

    Boy, did I ever mean what I said.

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