The Boyfriend

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  "Do you need help bringing your bags to the elevator?" Pepper asked, snapping me from my thoughts.
  This quickly caught my attention as I wondered with bewilderment, elevator?! So I peered up at the tall building and found my eyes widening. What I figured to be a penthouse of some sort, had multiple floors and was a huge skyscraper compared to the buildings around us. Each floor had rows of windows but still looked very stable. The last thing I noticed about the skyscraper was the giant words on top of the building that read STARK. Well, that was odd...
  Finally turning my attention back to Pepper, I lifted my bags up and shook my head, "No thank you, I got it. What floor is yours?"
  Which caused Pepper to send me a funny look as she answered, "Um... The whole thing."
  If it was possible, my eyes widened even further. "Oh..." I was trying to seem like I wasn't fazed by the comment but I actually started to feel really dizzy at the thought of the tall building.
  At my reaction, Pepper smiled like she thought I was impressed - but I was actually just really nervous now. Still, she assured me, "You'll have fun this summer," hinting that there would be a lot of stuff to do inside.
  Believing her, I nodded and allowed my mind to wander at what we might do for the weeks that Pepper's gone. Then I started thinking about all of the rules that might come with a large building. What if Pepper's boyfriend kept me locked up in one room all summer?! These thoughts plagued me and it seemed hopeless to stop them.
  However, I had to stay positive. Mostly because Pepper had already pressed the button and the elevator almost immediately opened as if it were waiting for us. Well great, my summer was officially going to start. With the bags in my hands, I followed after Pepper into the elevator and watched as she pressed a button to command it to go towards the top floor. Luckily my mind was distracted from how high up we were going, to the shiny floor under us. Someone really took the time to keep this place clean... How many maids could they have?
  Eventually, after what seemed like hours, the reflective doors of the elevator opened to reveal a - also clean - hallway. I kept at Pepper's heels as she lead the way through the building. As I thought about it, I was sure that I could definitely get lost in this place and that was pretty scary to me.
  The two of us stepped through a door and Pepper closed it behind her, alerting the person that was apparently in the room as well. Without peering up, the man greeted Pepper by calling, "Hey, babe."
  Finally, he glanced up to smile at Pepper but then it melted slightly when he noticed that I was here too. Judging by the surprised look on his face, I figured that he had completely forgotten I was coming. When he took his reading glasses off, our eyes locked. His eyes were a soft hazel while his hair was brushed up towards the ceiling and stayed out of his face. The man's facial hair was a whole other thing. There was a mustache on his upper lip while he had more hair starting from his lower lip and traced halfway up his chin. Under our intense stare down, a blush formed on my cheeks and I finally glanced away from him but not before I crossed my arms in an indignant manner.
  Pepper broke the silence, as she greeted, "Hey, Tony." Then she glanced down at her watch before admitting, "Look, I have to go. I'm running late."
  This caused Stark to quickly stand up from his chair, "You said you had an hour."
   "Ross says he needs something, I have to go," she urged.
   So Stark stepped closer to her with a slight smirk, "So, Ross is more important than me, huh?"
  "Mm-hm," Pepper hummed with a grin. Then she leaned forward and gave Stark a peck on the lips. While they were having their moment, I shifted my gaze away from them and tried not to make a gagging noise. Finally, she smiled and attacked him with a hug, "Bye, Tony." Alas, she had to leave pretty abruptly as she waved bye to the both of us and began to rush towards the elevator. Stark shot her one more wink before the doors closed and it was just the two of us.
  To say it was awkward was an understatement.
  The room was so quiet that I could even hear my heart beating. Let me just tell say, it was beating pretty darn quickly. Honestly, I expected the man to say something rude or maybe even just completely ignore me altogether.
  Fortunately, Stark was the first to break the prolonged silence, "So, it's Samantha, right?"
  Determined to keep an attitude and have the last say, I shot him a glare and corrected, "It's Sam."
  At first, he raised an eyebrow as if he was surprised at me but he didn't really seem fazed by the attitude as he inquired, "And I'm assuming you know who I am?"
  I genuinely thought about the answer and remembered what Pepper had said. It was even on top of the building outside, "Mr. Stark?" I assumed.
  "Just call me Tony," the man stated with a smile. However, when I just stared at him blankly then his lips melted from his smirk and he shot me a shocked expression, "You don't know who I am?"
  Now annoyed at the arrogant question, I retorted, "Some rich dude?"
  "What?! I'm everywhere on the news! Do you not watch TV? Has someone been making you live under a rock?" Stark wondered, crossing his arms.
  "I don't watch unimportant people," I countered, getting even more agitated the more he spoke.
  Except, this caused Tony to puff out his lower lip and throw his hands on his hips in a mocking pout, "I'm important."
  Almost ignoring his statement, I glanced behind him because the technology that he was working on was starting to smoke. He should probably tend to that. Although, instead of outright saying anything, I pondered, "What are you working on?"
  Without looking behind him, Tony answered, "It's hardware for the computer."
  "Computer?" I asked, confused. There was no computer or laptop anywhere near the table that he was working on. Maybe he was crazy...
  However, he just grinned, "Not that kind of computer." Before I could ask, Tony called, "Hey J.A.R.V.I.S!"
  Honestly, I didn't really know what to expect but it certainly wasn't the robotic reply that came, "Yes sir?"
  Immediately, I jumped at the instant response and peered around the room to see if I could find the source of the accented voice. It wasn't a computer like a laptop but more rather technology that was laced throughout the entire building. The computer was smart and I stared in amazement.
  "J.A.R.V.I.S. stands for 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System'," Tony explained, pulling me from my thoughts.
  "Uh-huh... Well, your computer is smoking," I pointed out, staring at the hard drive chip that was smoking even more now.
  "What?" Stark wondered what I meant before turning around and seeing the light smoke that came from the technology. "Oh, crap," he muttered as he raced over to his project and began to fix it with the tools that surrounded the technology.
  While he was busy fixing whatever he was working on, I peered around the room we were in and thought about the building that had his name on it. He was obviously some rich person but I was curious how he got that way so I questioned, "So, what do you do exactly?"
  Tony peeked up from his work to shoot me a smirk then he suggested, "Do you wanna see?"
  "Do I?" I challenged, cautiously.
  This got a laugh from him as he finally pulled away from his small little workstation. "Come on, I'll show you something," Tony promised as he began to saunter to a different room.
  I followed his lead and slipped in after him into a room that seemed more like a workstation than the other place did. This had a lot more technology and tools everywhere. It even had-... metal suits?
  When I strolled up closer to one and stared at it long enough, my eyes widened in realization. This was Iron Man's suit... He couldn't possibly be Iron Man, could he? Then I turned my attention back to the man who was shooting me an expecting smirk. Tony Stark... I knew I had heard that name before! He was the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist! But, most importantly, he was the man behind Iron Man. Does that mean this guy was a hero?
  However, I didn't want to boost the man's ego and show how impressed I was so - instead - I exclaimed, "You know who Iron Man is?"
  Just as I planned, this caused Tony's grin to disappear as his body wilted with disappointment, "No... I'm Iron Man... Do I just not look the part? Maybe I should beef up a little," Tony mumbled as he poked at his biceps that were definitely there.
  Masking my smirk, I shrugged and lied, "No, you just look too old."
  Immediately, Tony caused and clutched his chest in offense, "What?"
  At his reaction, I began to laugh uncontrollably. If he was that gullible then this summer was going to be fun. However, I decided to be nice as I reassured him, "I'm kidding!" Mostly as a suck up move because then I asked, "Can I put one on?"
  "No, you're supposed to be alive when Pepper gets back!" Stark answered, determinedly.
  With a pout, I whined, "Aw, you're no fun..."
  This got a smirk from the man as he reminded me, "It's just day one."  

Sam: A Summer With My Uncle (Tony Stark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now