Suit vs. Suit

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  The day was so exciting, like seeing Rhodey's suit, that I was so tired after supper. I decided to go to bed early, but it wasn't helping that Tony was trying to fix the window in his office because he was making so much noise. I decided to look at my phone until Tony was done, which was surprisingly quick probably because of his suit helping him out. I wasn't complaining about his suit making it go quicker, so as soon as the noise stopped I laid my head down and shut my eyes.
  I simply blinked and it was the next morning, the night went by so fast it felt like only a second had passed, I could tell that I was pretty tired. I guess I was so tired, so I glanced over and saw that it was ten thirty which was pretty late for me to wake up considering how early I went to bed. After a long, big yawn, I climbed out of my bed and grabbed some clothes, hopping in the shower. After the shower and putting on some cute clothes, I brushed my teeth and hair, then did my make up and finished getting ready.
  I opened my bathroom door and realized how quiet it was so I walked into the living room and glanced around for Tony but he wasn't in the living room, or kitchen, so I walked to his office and peeked in but didn't see anything. A sigh slipped from my lips so I walked towards the elevator then noticed the note.
  Had to go on another meeting at such late notice, the note read. I ripped it off and sighed, throwing the paper away. I fixed myself a lousy omelet but it still tasted good as I scarfed it down. A thought popped into my head and I wondered when Tony would be back.
  I went to put up my plate but heard a thud in Tony's office then a few scuffling sounds. At first, I figured it was Rhodey and he came to babysit again so I walked towards the see-through door and peeked my head in. It wasn't Rhodey in the office, even though the suit kind of looked similar. Although, the suit that was in the office was skinnier or thinner than Tony's suits, which made me realize that it was too small to fit a person inside of it so it was just a walking robot... thing. I backed up a little.
  "Jarvis," I said in almost a whisper.
  "Yes, Ms. Sam?" The computer, intelligently, said it pretty quiet too.
  "Whose suit is that?" I breathed back.
  It took Jarvis a few moments so he could analyze and register the data, but finally he spoke quietly back, "It's a Dr. P, Clyde mechanic, Ms. Sam."
  I gasped in my head, not wanting to make any noise, It's Dr. Clyde! "Jarvis, message Tony and tell him to come over now, it's an emergency." I peeked around the corner to look back into the office to watch what the moving armor was doing but when I looked in it was gone. Did it leave? I turned around and gasped when I noticed it standing right in front of me. I leaped back but it jumped quicker and threw me against a wall. My back hit the hard wall, then I fell to my knees, frozen in shock. What was I supposed to do, fight back? The machine stepped towards me so I ducked to the side and rolled away. I got on my feet quickly and glanced around, wondering what to do now. The machine lifted its hand toward me and I noticed that its palm was starting to glow. That's exactly what it looked like when Rhodey was using his shooting energy from his hands while he was in his suit. I could tell the human shaped machine was about to throw a ball of energy towards me, so I quickly dodged to the side and backed up. The machine was standing in the living room so I crawled backwards toward the kitchen and hid behind the cabinets. I covered my head with my arms as a streak of heat rocketed beside me, hitting the wall and making debris sputter everywhere.
  "Jarvis, is there anything you can do?!" I shouted, keeping my head low.
  "Getting permission from Stark, now. The suit will be ready in 60 seconds," the computer answered.
  I started wondering if I even had a minute to hold out against the copycat robot. I hugged my knees and stayed close to the ground, my back against the cabinet. The second shot was sudden and unexpected, so I screamed in surprise as it went over my head and toward a drawer, making it fall at my feet. I heard a low hum from the machine and I could tell that it was charging up, so I crawled away from the cabinets just in time for them to explode behind me from the impact of the shot. The force of the blow launched me on my stomach so I threw my face into my arms, shielding my head.
  The machine stepped toward me and aimed its palm, but before anything happened there was an echoing voice, "Suit will be active in 3, 2... 1," it counted down.
  The robot's palm was glowing but before the ball of energy shot out of it, it launched towards the wall and slammed against the hard surface. I turned my head and peeked at Tony's iron suit, standing firm with its palm held up, showing that it was the one who fired. It walked forward towards the robot and I watched it aim. I noticed that it wasn't Tony because the way it was moving was robotically. Tony's suit threw another shot at Dr. Clyde's robot, this time making it go through the wall and into the next room. Before Tony's suit could get another blow, the robot fired a shot from its chest, making Tony's suit fly across the room and hit the ceiling. I crawled into a corner so I could get out of the way, but I also kept my eyes on the elevator waiting for Tony, knowing he was going to be here any minute now. The thought of bolting for the elevator crossed my mind but I would have to run between the war of suits.
  The two battling were pretty even, considering, and I watched them firing at each other and tearing the house up in the process. All I could do was sit and wait between a rock and a hard place.

(Yay, finally the fun starts! Yes, it has been a while since I posted and I'm sorry, I will be updating more often :) Thanks for the support; reads, votes, etc. If you love this story please vote for it, stick it in your library or whatever, even comment it doesn't matter! And if you want to read more of my books then follow me, and I will love you forever!
~~~~~ LL2z)

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